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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / Development / Development Applications / Pre-preliminary Plan

Pre-preliminary Plan


A Pre-preliminary plan is an optional step in the subdivision process that allows an applicant to submit a conceptual plan to receive advice on certain aspects of the proposed subdivision. The plan can be submitted for staff review only or can go before the Planning Board for either a binding or non-binding decision.

Forest Conservation:

Forest conservation does not need to be addressed with this plan type.

Development Review Committee (DRC):

In most cases, pre-preliminary plans go to DRC.

Decision Type:

The applicant may decide between getting a staff review only or going before the Planning Board to receive either a binding or non-binding decision.


Staff review only:  $2,120

Staff review and Planning Board review:  $4,240

Review Time:

Planning Board Hearing must take place within 90 days of intake acceptance.


Pre-preliminary Plans may not be amended.  You may only change the results of a Pre-preliminary Plan with a new Pre-preliminary plan application.

Application Instructions

Fill out this application form and email the PDF to  Once our team has received the application and entered it into our system, the primary contact listed on the application form will be asked to upload files to ePlans.

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