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Montgomery Planning is committed to supporting the development of various housing types to meet the needs of our growing and increasingly diverse population. Through the master planning process, we look at housing needs in small areas and develop strategies to encourage strategic development and redevelopment opportunities supported by infrastructure.

Affordable housing components of developments are evaluated during the review process for compliance with regulatory requirements and as a public benefit. The Planning Department also conducts large scale research studies to inform countywide public policies related to housing and land use. Recent studies undertaken by our staff analyze data and recommend policies about the rental housing market, including moderately priced dwelling units (MDPUs); senior housing; and multi-unit, clustered “missing middle” housing.

New! Check out the short Montgomery Planning housing explainer to find out the latest on housing strategies: English | አማርኛ | 汉语 | Españolفارسی | Français

Affordable Housing

Explore the various terms, policies, and programs that involve building and preserving affordable housing in Montgomery County.

Missing Middle Housing

“Missing Middle” housing refers to a range of building types that are compatible in scale, form and construction with single-family homes, but include multiple housing units. Learn how we are planning for this.

Rental Housing Study

The purpose of the study is to identify Montgomery County’s rental housing issues and needs, and offer holistic and sustainable approaches to meeting them. Read the Rental Housing Study.

Housing for Older Adults Study

A study of the housing for older adults in Montgomery County was undertaken by the Planning Department’s Research and Special Projects Division in response to the county’s growing number of residents aged 55 and older – estimated to be nearly 288,000 people – and the housing challenges this population faces. View the Housing for Older Adults Study.

Preservation of Affordable Housing

Project to better understand how both agencies can best balance market pressures to redevelop these properties and increase the overall supply of residential units, and the need to preserve market-rate affordable housing, particularly for families. Learn more about the preservation of affordable housing.

Housing Needs Assessment

The Housing Needs Assessment provides the background necessary to develop a comprehensive housing policy that meets the needs of current and future residents.

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

An Accessory Dwelling Unit as defined in Montgomery County code is a second dwelling unit that is subordinate to the principal dwelling. Learn more about ADUs.

Residential Development Capacity Analysis

With only 15 percent of land available for development or redevelopment in Montgomery County, MD, the county needs to consider the most optimal ways to meet the needs of a growing population. Learn more about Residential Development Capacity Analysis.

Local Housing Targets Project

The Local Housing Targets project allows both community members and countywide decision makers to better contextualize and understand the housing shortage at a more local level—and to drive strategies that help us meet the housing goals.

Housing Development in Montgomery County since 1940

This story map illustrates the history and geography of housing development in Montgomery County since 1940. In addition to showing how housing spread across the county over time, it breaks housing down by three types—single-family detached homes, townhomes, and units in multi-family buildings—to show the relationship between land availability and development trends.