Plan Types
Select from the plan types below to read full plan type descriptions, download supplemental materials and start the application process.

Administrative Subdivision Plan
Subdivision plan used to create, consolidate, or adjust property lines through administrative approval.

Concept Plan
Optional, flexible plan type allowing applicant to get staff feedback at Development Review Committee.

Conditional Use
Application to allow certain uses in certain zones that are acted on by the Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings

Forest Conservation Plan
Plan that outlines specific strategies for retaining, protecting, and reforesting or afforesting areas on a site.

Mandatory Referrals
Plans submitted by government agencies.

Mixed Income Housing Community Plan
Plan for land uses that meet the definition of a Mixed Income Housing Community as stated in the Zoning Ordinance.

Natural Resource Inventory/Forest Conservation Plan Exemption
Plan showing existing natural features.

Preliminary Plan
Subdivision plan that establishes types and intensity of uses as well as sets lot lines.

Pre-preliminary Plan
Optional plan type submitted ahead of Preliminary Plan to receive Planning Staff and sometimes Planning Board feedback.

Record Plat
Plan showing approved subdivision required before release of building permit.

Site Plan
Detailed plan required in floating zones, most overlay zones, and for some optional method projects in Commercial Reside

Sketch Plan
Illustrative plan that shows maximum densities and sets public benefit categories required for optional method developme

Biohealth Priority Campus Plan
Plan intended for land uses that meet the definition of a Biohealth Priority Campus as stated in the Zoning Ordinance