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New! Minority Languages in Montgomery County – This map shows areas in Montgomery County that have sizeable concentrations of residents with limited English proficiency and the top foreign language spoken by residents in these areas. Data are from the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), 2022 5-year estimates.

Profile: Asian and Pacific Islander Population in Montgomery County – This Profile presents a snapshot of key demographic, economic, and employment characteristics of the Asian and Pacific Islander population in Montgomery County. It provides information to help planners, local government decision makers, and the public understand the success and challenges of this community.

Profile: Women in Montgomery County – This Profile presents a snapshot of key demographic, economic, and employment characteristics of the female population in Montgomery County. It highlights differences between men and women in the county and compares local trends to national patterns.  

Profile: Black Population in Montgomery County – This Profile shows the Black community of Montgomery County in 15 demographic topics regarding Population, Housing and Households, and Economic Characteristics. Subcategories include Educational Attainment, Housing Type and Cost, Income and Poverty, and Employment type, to name a few.

Montgomery PopStats Map – This interactive map shows data from the US Census Bureau’s 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates for Block Groups in Montgomery County, MD. This tool is intended to provide users with estimates of population, housing, and income characteristics for custom combinations of Census Block Groups.

People with Disabilities Profile – This Profile describes key demographic, economic, and household characteristics of people with disabilities in Montgomery County compared with people without disabilities. It provides information to help planners, local government decision makers, and the public better understand the unique traits and some of the challenges faced by this group.

Friendship Heights Village Demographics – This presentation highlights key demographic characteristics of the Village of Friendship Heights in 2010 and 2021 and was delivered to the Village Council at its October 16, 2023 meeting. A recording of the meeting with the presentation can be accessed on the Village of Friendship Heights website.

Profile: Hispanic Population in Montgomery County – This document profiles the Hispanic community of Montgomery County in key demographic areas like Age, Education, and Income, among many others. It also explores changes in the community between 2000 and 2021. Español

Montgomery County Trends: Racial and Ethnic Diversity Story Map – An interactive visual representation of the racial and ethnic changes in Montgomery County over 1990-2020. The storymap uses the historical and latest Decennial Census data to illustrate the trends and spatial concentration of each race and Hispanic ethnicity. It also shows which of the four major groups (non-Hispanic Asian, Black, and White, and Hispanic) is predominant, majority, or the most common group in each Census tract.

Demographic Profile of Montgomery County’s Council Districts –This report provides a profile of each of the newly drawn seven Montgomery County Council districts and the county overall using block group-level data from the 2020 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. It includes detailed data on population characteristics, households, and employment.

Equity Focus Areas Story Map – See the award-winning visual representation of the Equity Focus Areas Analysis.

QuickStats – 2019: The latest American Community Survey data describing Montgomery County’s population, employment, income, and housing is presented in easy to understand statistical infographics.

Montgomery County Trends: A Look at People, Housing, Jobs Since 1990 – A study of countywide trends between 1990 and 2016 asks the question: How has the county’s population, housing, and employment changed since the 1993 General Plan refinement? Analyzing what occurred over a 25-plus year time period establishes a baseline of major changes and current conditions. This information will inform needs assessments and policy discussions during the General Plan update currently underway.

We recommend using an up-to-date browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to view the interactive web application.

Interactive Highlights | Fact sheet | Full Report | Presentation to Planning Board 1-31-2019

Quick STATS: Montgomery County, MD –  The latest U.S. Census data profiling Montgomery County’s population, employment, and housing is readily available in this two-page summary. Topics include population and housing growth, race and Hispanic origin, foreign born, employment, education, income, and housing costs.

Montgomery County Income Blog Post  – This blog post explores the state of Montgomery County household income as well as changes in employment, by sector. Findings show that household income is still recovering from the Great Recession and that there has been a shift away from higher-paying jobs, such as professional and business services, federal government, and advanced manufacturing.

Montgomery County Trends At-A-Glance – The Research and Special Projects Division have produced an updated one-page trendsheet document featuring some of the most important facts and figures shaping the county. Click the link or the image to the right to learn some interesting population, employment, and housing findings.

View our analysis of the 2010 U.S. Census.


The demographic trendsheets report the latest trend or subject relevant to current policy questions in Montgomery County.

Poverty trendsheets
