Population, households, and jobs
As part of a cooperative process with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), the Research and Strategic Projects Division produces long-range forecasts of population, employment and housing for Montgomery County and areas within the County. Forecasts are based on analysis of data from a variety of sources, including local development, population and economic trends; models of the Washington, D.C. area population and economic base; and published state and federal statistical resources.
Round 10.0 Cooperative Forecast: 2020-2050
The Round 10.0 Forecast was approved in June 2023 and completed in partnership with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, the City of Gaithersburg, and the City of Rockville. The web map below provides information on the forecast at the Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) and Policy Area levels. MWCOG has additional information about the Round 10.0 and previous forecasts for the metropolitan Washington area, including its Growth Trends: Cooperative Forecasting in Metropolitan Washington publications and data in Excel and GIS files for download.
- Countywide Forecast Summary
- Population Forecast by Policy Area
- Household Forecast by Policy Area
- At-Place Employment Forecast by Policy Area
Staff presented information on the Round 10.0 Forecast to the Montgomery Planning Board on May 11, 2023. Available materials related to this briefing include the staff report, presentation slides, Planning Board meeting video.
Round 9.2 Cooperative Forecast: 2015-2045
- Countywide Forecast Summary
- Population Forecast by Policy Area
- Household Forecast by Policy Area
- At-Place Employment Forecast by Policy Area
Round 9.1 Cooperative Forecast: 2015-2045
- Countywide Forecast Summary
- Population Forecast by Policy Area
- Household Forecast by Policy Area
- At-Place Employment Forecast by Policy Area
- Policy Area Map