The Montgomery County Planning Board uses its review and approval of development projects and subdivisions to implement the goals of the County’s General Plan and master plans. This page provides resources to help ensure projects align with countywide transportation plans, objectives, policies, and best practices.
General Transportation Resources
All development applications must substantially conform to transportation recommendations in area master plans and functional plans, including:
The following resources will assist development applicants in aligning with county standards, guidelines, and best practices.
- Accessible Design Guide (MCDOT): Guidance for designing accessible pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way
- Bicycle Facility Design Toolkit: Best practices for bicycle facility design.
- Bicycle Parking Guidelines: County code requirements and other best practices.
- Bikeway and Sidewalk Design Guidance: Guidance on determining which planning document to follow when designing bikeways and sidewalks.
- Bikeway Branding Guidelines: Bikeway network logos and signage.
- Complete Streets Design Guide: Policy and design guidance for the planning, design, and operation of roadways.
- Curbless and Shared Streets Design Guide: Planning, policy, and design guidance for curbless and shared streets.
- Protected Intersection Checklist: Assists applicants in designing protected intersections. View the training video and slides.
The Planning Board has established transportation-related policies for development projects.
- Planning Board Policy 2022-01A: De Minimis Criteria for Very Small Residential and Commercial Development Projects
- Planning Board Policy 2022-02: Applicability of Payments in Lieu of Transportation Frontage Improvements
Local Area Transportation Review (LATR) Guidelines
The LATR Guidelines implement the county’s Growth and Infrastructure Policy. The guidelines detail the specific documentation and analysis required to demonstrate transportation adequacy for proposed developments that require an Adequate Public Facilities (APF) finding.
LATR Guidelines (January 2025): Guidelines for the preparation and review of transportation adequacy assessments.
- Transportation Adequacy Form: Applicants must submit this form to Montgomery Planning staff for review and approval prior to initiating an LATR Study or filing a development application for any project that requires an APF finding.
- Transportation Policy Areas: Map showing the boundaries and color classifications of the county’s transportation policy areas.
- Transportation Infrastructure Commitments: Map showing programmed transportation projects, including projects fully funded for construction in the County or State budget in the next 6 years and conditioned developer projects. Map is updated periodically (every 6-12 months).
- Complete Street Area Types: Map showing the boundaries and classifications of the county’s Complete Street Area Types.
- LATR Study Checklist: List of requirements for an LATR Study. Applicants must include this checklist in the LATR Study submittal.
- LATR Study Outline: This document outlines the expected components of an LATR Study, including tables and sections. Following the outline makes submittals more consistent and easier to review. Download as a Word document.
- Speed Study Database: Locations and results of speed studies.
- Vision Zero Resources: Resources include the Vision Zero Community Toolkit and the Predictive Safety Analysis.
Pedestrian Level of Comfort (PLOC)
- Pedestrian Level of Comfort (PLOC) Map: Displays existing conditions.
- PLOC Methodology: Describes the PLOC scoring system.
- MCDOT Streetlight Design Requirements: Policy and design guidance on the planning, evaluation, design, and construction of streetlighting.
- MCDOT Streetlight Map: Partial database of existing streetlight poles. Maintained by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.
- Additional Streetlight Data: Pole, luminaire, and wattage information for streetlights excluding Pepco and developer-constructed.
- Streetlighting and Illuminance Information: Supplemental guidance for preparing and reviewing photometric plans and assessments.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG): ADA standards addressing access to sidewalks and streets, crosswalks, curb ramps, pedestrian signals, on-street parking, and other components of public right-of-way. Watch Montgomery Planning’s training video.
- Guide to the ADA Accessibility Standards: The U.S. Access Board’s guide to ADA standards. (Note that portions of the guide may not fully reflect the current ADA regulation.)
- ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments: The U.S. Department of Justice’s Guide for Best Practices. (Note that portions of the ADA Toolkit may not fully reflect the current ADA regulation.)
- Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) Map: Displays existing bicycling conditions.
- Bicycle LTS Methodology (V1.1): Describes the Bicycle LTS scoring system.
Bus Transit
- Bus Transit System Map
- Bus Stop Location (Google Maps)
- Multimodal Intersection Count Database: Database of existing pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle counts. Maintained by Montgomery Planning.
- MDOT ITMS: State’s database of existing pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle counts. Maintained by the Maryland Department of Transportation.
- Cost Estimation Tool for mitigation projects (valid until September 30, 2025): Spreadsheet tool for calculating planning level costs for multimodal transportation mitigation improvements identified through an LATR Study.
- Speed Study and Intersection Count Uploader: Applicants must submit speed studies and multimodal counts using this tool. See instructions.
- Pedestrian Data Validation: Applicant must request a customized URL.
- Bicycle Data Validation: Applicant must request a customized URL.
Archived Guidance Documents
The listed documents are outdated and no longer applicable.
Applicant Speed Study and Intersection Count Uploader: Applicants must submit speed studies and multimodal counts using this tool. View instructions. Valid for projects scoped before January 1, 2025.
LATR Study Outline (2024)
Past Proportionality Guide
LATR Proportionality Guide Adjustment Factor Map
LATR Proportionality Guide Calculator, Version 1.3
LATR Proportionality Guide Calculator, Version 1.2
Past LATR Cost Estimation Tool
LATR Cost Estimation Tool, Version 1.1 (effective May 9, 2023, through September 30, 2023)
LATR Cost Estimation Tool, Version 1.2 (effective October 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)
Updated Guidance on Traffic Counts During COVID-19 Pandemic: Staff memo, September 17, 2020
Traffic Counts During COVID-19 Pandemic: Staff memo, April 30, 2020
Technical Guidance for Urbanized Areas: MCDOT memo, October 25, 2018