Vision Zero is a proven approach to preventing roadway-related deaths and severe injuries. It represents a fundamental change in how we plan and design our roads, shifting from a focus on maximizing motor vehicle efficiency to ensuring that our roads are safe regardless of whether travel is by car, bus, bicycle or foot. Vision Zero recognizes that people will sometimes make mistakes and that our roads should be designed to ensure those inevitable mistakes do not result in severe injuries or fatalities.
Through its 2016 resolution, Montgomery County committed to eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries. In 2017, the County Executive released an initial two-year action plan of activities to advance the County toward Vision Zero. Upon completion of the two-year action plan, the County will prepare a ten-year action plan to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries by 2030.
While Vision Zero programs are typically led by transportation agencies, Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary effort that requires the support of all County agencies to be successful. The Montgomery County Planning Department has an important role to play in Vision Zero and can support Montgomery County’s program with community engagement, stakeholder facilitation, data analysis and a focus on long-term visioning:
- Master Planning: Through master planning, Montgomery Planning engages the community to re-envision our auto-oriented roadways as safe, complete streets for walking, bicycling and driving.
- Development and Capital Projects: The Montgomery County Planning Board helps to implement the vision of master plans by reviewing proposed development and capital projects, including mandatory referrals.
- Data Analysis: The Planning Department has extensive data collection and analysis resources to identify roadway characteristics that create safety challenges and to propose proven changes to improve safety.
- Community Support and Engagement: The department provides support for building a Vision Zero constituency and growing the community’s understanding of Vision Zero and transportation safety.
- Planning Board will be briefed on the Montgomery County Vision Zero Action Plan.
- View a video of Montgomery Planning’s role in Vision Zero.
- Briefing to the Montgomery County Planning Board in March 2021 on Vision Zero Initiatives by Montgomery Planning Staff.

The Predictive Safety Analysis

Montgomery County Interactive Crash Map