MARC Rail Communities Planning Library

Below are the documents, presentations and feedback received during the MARC Rail Communities meetings. Please refer to the main MARC Rail Communities Plan webpage for information on current and upcoming items.
Final Documents
Approved MARC Rail Communities Scope of Work
Master Plans
- Germantown 2009 | 1989 | Germantown Planning Library
- Boyds 1985
- The General Plan
Working Documents
October 19, 2017: The team briefed the Planning Board on preliminary recommendations for the MARC Rail Communities Plan. View the staff report and the presentation.
October 5, 2017: The team briefed communities members on preliminary recommendations for the plan at a meeting at the Sidney Kramer Upcounty Regional Services Center.
January 19, 2017: The team presented information to the Boyds Civic Association on the CSX underpass replacement study, a conceptual alternative illustration for Ride On’s potential Meet the MARC service from Clarksburg to Boyds, and an exhibit illustrating floor area ratios (FARs) to help residents understand the proposed zoning elements handout for the Boyds portion of the plan.
November 30, 2016: The team presented information on the preliminary Boyds MD 117 realignment study and the draft Germantown road diet study and cross sections and solicited feedback.
July 14, 2016: The team briefed the Planning Board on the status of the master planning efforts. Read the staff report and view the presentation.
MARC Rail Communities Feedback Map
This application enables you to help guide the MARC Rail Communities Plan by making comments and suggestions about your area that we will use in developing recommendations for the Plan.

MARC Rail Communities Design Workshop March 7, 14-16, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016: Ask the Specialist
During the workshop, 15 Ask the Specialist sessions were held, during which agency representatives gave brief presentations describing what is influencing or will be happening in the vicinity of the two respective MARC station areas. In the evening, community members had the opportunity to participate in a community visioning exercise for the station areas in Boyds and Germantown.
Morning Session – Focus on Places
9am Historic preservation, land use and zoning
Historic preservation presentation slides – audio
Land use and zoning presentation slides – audio
10am Parks, trails, recreation and schools
Parks presentation slides – audio (for parks and recreation presentations)
Recreation presentation slides
Schools presentation slides – audio
11am Environmental issues: water, sewer, stormwater management, others
Environmental issues, water and sewer presentation slides – audio
DEP stormwater management retrofit presentation slides – audio
Afternoon Session – Focus on Connections (Watch Video of All Afternoon Presentations here)
1 pm Roads and more
MCDOT presentation slides
M-NCPPC presentation slides
SHA presentation slides
2 pm Rail – MTA presentation slides
3 pm Walking, Biking and Local Bus Service
Bikeways presentation slides
Ride On presentation slides
Transit Studies presentation slides
Evening session – Open House/Community Visioning Exercise
Boyds Diagrams and Comments
Germantown Diagrams and Comments
Monday, March 14, 2016: Focus on Boyds
Planners developed a set of proposed goals and planning process diagrams for the future of the Boyds MARC station area based on previous community and agency input. Also, an engineering consultant presented initial sketches investigating the feasibility of a proposed vehicular bypass connecting Clarksburg Road to Clopper Road over the railroad tracks. Community participants had the opportunity to provide comments on these initial ideas.
View the Proposed Goals for the Boyds MARC station area
View the Boyds Planning Process Diagrams
View the Engineering Consultant’s Alternatives and Fly-thru (.wvm file) of a Potential Bypass
Tuesday, March 15, 2016: Focus on Germantown
Planners developed a set of proposed goals and planning process diagrams for the future of the Germantown MARC station area based on previous community and agency input. Community had the opportunity to provide comments on these initial ideas.
View the Proposed Goals for the Germantown MARC station area
View the Germantown Planning Process Diagrams
View Community Comments on the March 15 Products
Wednesday, March 16, 2016: Design Workshop Synthesis
Based on community and agency feedback during sessions held on March 14 and 15, planners refined the planning process diagrams and received comments from the community.
View the Refined Concept Diagram for Boyds MARC station area
View Community Comments on Boyds
View the Refined Concept Diagram for Germantown MARC station area
View Community Comments on Germantown MARC area
Archives from November 2015 to February 2016
- View the presentation to the Planning Board on the Scope of Work, January 28, 2016
- View the Marc Rail Communities Plan Briefing Book.
- View a brief background document about the plan.
- View the presentation from the November 4, 2015 kickoff community meeting. The information collected during the meeting is in the following links:
- Meeting summary
- Comments and questions on the presentation
- Station 1: What makes the Boyds and/or Germantown areas special?
- Station 2: What would you like to change?
- Station 3: How can the MARC rail station areas be a catalyst for that change?
- Station 4: How do you envision the future of your communities?.
- Transcription of all items
Other Resources
- Approved boundaries (January 2016)
- Proposed boundaries (October 2015)
- Existing zoning
- 2010 demographics
- Historic preservation
- Watersheds
- Tree canopy
- Forest conservation easements
- Development finder
- Intersection analysis
- Parks directory
- Park trail maps