Planning Board Public Hearing, November 19, 2020
The Montgomery County Planning Board held a virtual public hearing for the update to the county’s General Plan, known as Thrive Montgomery 2050, on Thursday, November 19. Over 85 residents testified on the Public Hearing Draft of Thrive Montgomery 2050, providing feedback to the Planning Board and Montgomery Planning staff on ideas to consider as the draft plan moves through the work session phase of the process. The written public comment record was open October 5 – December 10, 2020.
- View the on-demand video of the Thrive Montgomery 2050 virtual Public Hearing
- View the Thrive Montgomery 2050 Public Hearing Draft Plan.
- View the transcript from the Public Hearing.
“The Thrive Montgomery 2050 virtual public hearing demonstrates that we can work together to address the long-term challenges facing our community even as we adjust to the short-term challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson. “We heard thoughtful testimony about what has worked in Montgomery County and what still needs work. Over the next few months, we will integrate and synthesize the ideas that have been put forward to create a plan that shows the path forward for housing, economic competitiveness, equity and environmental resilience in our county.”
I am so pleased by the number of residents who testified at the public hearing and the fact that we heard from a cross section of community members living in all areas of the county with many different backgrounds, ages and perspectives. This is what our planning process is all about — engaging residents to participate easily and productively. It is very important to the future of our county that the recommendations in the plan reflect those of the community.
Gwen Wright, Planning Director
County Council Public Hearing
The Montgomery County Council held their public hearings for the Thrive Montgomery 2050 plan on June 17, 2021 and June 29, 2021.