Thrive Montgomery 2050

Thrive Montgomery 2050 is Montgomery County’s current General Plan. With a 30-year horizon, it sets a vision for the county and encompasses broad, county-wide policy recommendations for land use, zoning, housing, the economy, equity, transportation, parks and open space, the environment, and historic resources. These recommendations provide guidance for future master plans, county and state capital improvement processes, and other public and private initiatives that influence land use and planning in the county. None of the plan’s zoning-related recommendations can be implemented without a sectional map amendment, district map amendment, or a zoning text amendment approved by the County Council.
- 2022
Thrive Montgomery - 1993
General Plan Refinement of the Goals & Objectives
Supplemental Fact Sheets – Then & Now
Housing Element of the General Plan (Approved and Adopted April 2011) - 1969
Updated General Plan
General Plan Elements & Summary - 1964
On Wedges & Corridors: A General Plan for the Maryland-Washington Regional District in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties