Join Us, Give Feedback, Participate, Thrive.
Thrive Montgomery 2050 is our chance to figure out – together – how Montgomery County can be a great community over the next 30 years.
Recent events have raised some fundamental questions about how we live together – and how we want to live together for the next 30 years. Does everyone have access to safe, affordable housing and food? If not, why not? Where in our county does equitable access to health care need to be improved? How can we better use technology to improve our environment and keep us connected?
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, Montgomery Planning is offering many ways to participate in the Thrive Montgomery 2050 process while respecting social distancing. The Planning Board approved the distance engagement strategy for Thrive Montgomery 2050 at their meeting on April 30. View the details.
Now is your chance to weigh in on the future of the county. Participate online, by phone, in English or Spanish.
Community Chats

Montgomery Planning hosted a series of virtual community chats, providing an opportunity for a deeper dive into the Draft Vision and Goals. A representative from each working group facilitated these short meetings. We invited community members to submit questions in advance of the chats through Montgomery Planning’s website, by email and through our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The community was able to follow along on social media using the hashtag #ThriveMontgomery2050.
Past Community Chat Videos
Parks, June 9
Diverse Economies, June 10
Connectedness, June 16
Conectividad, 16 de junio
Healthy Communities, June 17
Safe and Efficient Travel, June 22
Complete Communities, June 23
Healthy and Sustainable Environment, June 23
Culture and Design, June 29
Diverse and Adaptable Growth, June 30
Pints with a Planner
On April 28, Thrive Montgomery 2050 hosted their first Pints with a Planner – an online happy hour featuring Chair Casey Anderson and Commissioner Partap Verma. It was a good virtual turnout. Questions were answered directly from the community about the COVID-19 response and planning for the future. Watch the video of the event below.
On Wednesday, June 24, Montgomery Planning hosted their second Pints with a Planner, focused on the topic of Housing. Planning Board Chairman Casey Anderson and Housing Planner Lisa Govoni discussed why the rent is too #$%! high and what policies we’re exploring in Thrive Montgomery 2050 to make housing more affordable and attainable.
Ask Me Anything/Pregúntenme Cualquier Cosa
Ask Me Anything Videos
Session #1, May 15
Sesión #1, 15 de mayo
Session #2, May 18
Sesión #2, 18 de mayo
Session #3, May 20
Sesión #3, 20 de mayo
Sesión #4, 23 de mayo
Session #4, May 23
Distance Learning
Hey kids! Planning for the future of the county is for you too! Tell us about YOUR neighborhood and community—what you like and what you’d like to change. Print out the worksheet or fill it out digitally. Take a pic of your completed worksheet and email it to Thrive2050@montgomeryplanning.org, tag us on social media, or use the hashtag #thrive2050 to share your work!
Staff Contact
Maren Hill