As one of the nation’s most educated and prosperous counties, Montgomery County desires neighborhoods, public spaces and buildings of the highest quality design to reflect our cultural health, and maintain a competitive advantage within our region. Design excellence is increasingly important as available land for development in the County is shrinking, densities in our centers are increasing and priorities for excellent public spaces become more acute. These development challenges present a great need to create and enhance attractive, safe and sustainable places to live, work and play. Design excellence is an important tool for attracting the best and brightest to our County – residents, businesses and visitors. To raise the quality of design throughout the County, the Montgomery County Planning Department has launched a comprehensive Design Excellence (DesignX) initiative focused on the themes of inspiration, collaboration and clarity.
View the Park Size Comparison Booklet
This booklet (pdf, 8MB) was developed by staff to use during the development review process where the size of parks becomes a point of discussion. This document also supports the future Urban Parks and Open Spaces Design Guidelines as part of the Energized Public Spaces Functional Master plan created by the Department of Parks.