Neighborhood Change in the Washington Metropolitan Area – Using public U.S. Decennial Census and American Community Survey data, Montgomery Planning has investigated neighborhood change across Montgomery County and the Washington, DC, metropolitan region in support of more equitable and data-driven decision making.
Demographic Profile of Montgomery County’s Council Districts –This report provides a profile of each of the newly drawn seven Montgomery County Council districts and the county overall using block group-level data from the 2020 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. It includes detailed data on population characteristics, households, and employment.
- From the archives: 2012 Montgomery County Snapshot: Council Districts by the Numbers for demographics, employment, housing, retail market and more data for Montgomery County and each of its five Council districts. The Montgomery County Data Atlas: Council District Maps presents visual representations of zoning, land use, schools and other county landmarks.
Accessibility and Land Development: Transportation Systems and the Growth of Montgomery County, from 1885 to 2020 – Staff from Research & Strategic Projects created an Esri Story Map that discusses and visualizes Montgomery County’s urban development and development of transportation infrastructure from 1885 to 2020. Animation uses subdivision plats to track how access improvements influence urban growth.
Studies on the Potential for University Research Center Expansion to Montgomery County – Montgomery County Planning and the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) collaborated to explore the potential for a research university or institute located in the County to spur innovation and strengthen the local economy.
Colocation of Public Facilities – The Planning Department has led several interagency initiatives to advance the colocation of public facilities in Montgomery County. Colocation is the sharing of real estate (land and facilities) and operational services (technology, infrastructure) by two or more organizations and offers many benefits, including service efficiency, resource conservation and operational cost-effectiveness.
Master Plan Reality Check (2017-current) – A master plan establishes goals and recommendations for a physical setting. But how do planners know if the plans were implemented and successful in achieving the vision? Enter the Master Plan Reality Check. This three-part series of projects take a systematic approach to measuring the outcomes of past County master plans, using quantifiable indicators based on the targets set in plans.