The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) will hold a public hearing and worksession on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 7:00 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to evaluate the historic and architectural significance of COMSAT Laboratories. Additional information about the HPC meeting including how to sign-up to testify can be found at: https://montgomeryplanning.org/planning/historic/historic-preservation-commission/hpc-meetings-2025/.
As part of the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan, Montgomery Planning studied the adaptive reuse and economic feasibility for redevelopment of the property. After careful consideration, the department will not recommend designation of the resource as a Master Plan Historic Site in the Sector Plan.
After the HPC hearing, the Planning Board will review COMSAT Laboratories based on the criteria for historic designation and other factors before making its recommendation to the Montgomery County Council
The COMSAT building, situated at 22300 Comsat Drive in northern Montgomery County, occupies a largely undeveloped parcel within the Clarksburg Sector Plan. This 200-acre site is part of the Clarksburg Gateway Plan and is adjacent to I-270, providing access and visibility from the highway. While the site is currently only accessible by car, it is proximate to the planned MD355 BRT route and along the path of a planned Bus Rapid Transit route connecting Clarksburg and Germantown.
Historical Use
Completed in 1969, the COMSAT building was constructed as a research facility and headquarters for the Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT). The nearly 500,000-square foot building was designed by the world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli, famous for designing the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur and the World Financial Center in New York City. COMSAT Laboratories is an early and iconic example of the High Technology design that became common in research technology corridors in Montgomery County and across the nation.
COMSAT Laboratories hosted the Research & Development branch function of COMSAT. Throughout the time that COMSAT owned and occupied the building, major scientific breakthroughs took place in it, including the invention of real-time international phone communication, and live television broadcast. COMSAT owned and occupied the building entirely until 1997, when it sold the property. Despite the sale, COMSAT continued leasing space in the building until it became completely vacant shortly thereafter. In 2015, Lantian Development purchased the 204-acre COMSAT Campus and has since continued to own and perform routine maintenance on the building.
Since 1969, the COMSAT laboratories stands as an icon of avant-garde local research and the harbinger of the “high technology corridor” that came to define upper Montgomery County. This building’s architectural and historical significance make it one of the purest “high technology” statements in Maryland.
Timeline and Evaluation Process
2005Property considered but not recommended for stand-alone Master Plan Historic Site Designation
2023Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan Scope of Work approved by the Planning Board, including consideration of historic designation for COMSAT building
December 2023Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan Existing Conditions Report presented to the Planning Board
September 2023-January 2024Fu Wilmers Design prepares design scenarios for building adaptive reuse and site development
November 2024HR&A Advisors presents the Clarksburg Financial Feasibility Analysis
January 2025Historic Preservation Commission review of COMSAT building for historic designation
January 2025Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan Emerging Ideas presented to the community