Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area

The 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area establishes a long-range vision of Clarksburg as the northern-most population center along the I-270 Corridor. The plan implementation spans decades, so development will be staged over time. The plan details a vision of Clarksburg as a transit- and pedestrian-oriented community surrounded by open space.
Several amendments to the Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area Master Plan have been approved:
- The Rustic Roads Functional Master Plan amended the plan in 2004.
- The 2011 Clarksburg Limited Master Plan Amendment allowed the construction of a grocery store (and potential ancillary uses) outside the Clarksburg Town Center.
- The 2014 Ten Mile Creek Area Limited Amendment to protect sensitive resources in the Ten Mile Creek watershed.
- In 2023, planners began writing the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan centered around the employment areas identified in the 1994 plan.
Approved and Adopted – June 1994
View the Clarksburg Master Plan & Hyattstown Special Study Area (1994) (pdf, 29 MB)
The complete document is represented by the index below:
- Introduction
- Overview
- Past Planning Efforts
- Plan Determinants
- Proposed Concept Plan for Clarksburg
- Conformance with the Maryland Planning Act of 1992 and the General Plan for Montgomery County
- Overview of the Plan Adoption Process
- Vision for the Future Overview
- Policy Statements
- Town Scale of Development
- Natural Environment
- Greenway Network
- Transit System
- Hierarchy of Roads and Streets
- Town Center
- Transit-and Pedestrian-Oriented Neighborhoods
- Employment
- Farmland Preservation
- Staging
- Land Use Plan Overview
- Plan Terminology & Summary of End-State Development Potential
- Land Use Recommendations by Geographic Area
- Town Center District
- Transit Corridor District
- Newcut Road Neighborhood
- Cabin Branch Neighborhood
- Ridge Road Transition Area
- Brink Road Transition Area
- Hyattstown Special Study Area
- Ten Mile Creek Area
- Zoning Plan Overview
- Existing and Proposed Zoning Plan
- Relationship of Proposed Zoning Plan to Key Land Use Objectives
- Transportation and Mobility Plan
- Introduction
- Plan Objectives
- Transit Plan
- Street and Highway Plan
- Summary of Key Roadway Recommendations
- Right-of-way Recommendations
- Recommended Rustic Road Designations
- Bikeway Plan
- Environmental Plan
- Overview
- Watershed Analysis
- Plan Recommendations Relating to Watershed and Sensitive Area Protection
- Relation of Environmental Plan to 1992 Maryland Planning Act
- Plan Recommendations Relating to Area-wide Environmental Concerns
- Public Facilities
- Overview
- Greenway Network
- Parks and Recreational Facilities
- Proposed Park System
- Public Schools
- Community Facilities
- Clarksburg Historical Resources
- Overview
- Background
- Historic Districts
- Individual Resources
- Implementation Strategies
Technical Appendix
- Plan Introduction
- Land Use Plan
- Transportation and Mobility Plan
- Environmental Plan
- Implementation Strategies
- Resolutions of Approval and Adoption
List of Figures
- Clarksburg and the 1-270 Corridor
- Plan Determinants: Natural Features
- Plan Determinants: Development Commitment
- Proposed Concept Plan for Clarksburg
- Relationship of Clarksburg to Wedges and Corridors
- Clarksburg Master Plan Development Process
- Town Scale of Development
- Natural Environment
- Greenway Network
- Transit System
- Hierarchy of Roads and Streets
- Town Center Concept Diagram
- Transit- and Pedestrian-Oriented Neighborhoods
- Employment
- Farmland Preservation
- Staging
- Generalized Land Use Plan
- Analysis Areas
- Town Center District Land Use Plan
- Town Center Illustrative Sketch
- Clarksburg Historic District Buffers
- Transit Corridor District Land Use Plan
- Newcut Road Neighborhood Land Use Plan
- Newcut Road Neighborhood Illustrative Sketch
- Newcut Road Neighborhood Concept Diagram
- Cabin Branch Neighborhood Land Use Plan
- Cabin Branch Neighborhood Concept Diagram
- Brink Road Transition Area Land Use Plan
- Hyattstown Special Study Area Land Use Plan
- Hyattstown Concept Diagram
- Hyattstown Sketch
- Land Use Recommendations for Southern Portion of Hyattstown Transition Area
- Ten Mile Creek Area Land Use Plan
- Soil Suitabilities for Agriculture West of 1-270
- Areas Affected by Master Plan Recommended 15% Impervious Limits
- Existing Zoning(As of 1993)
- Zoning Plan. 97
- Areas Proposed for Zones Requiring Future County Council Action
- Generalized Highway and Transit Plan
- Proposed lnterchange Design Concepts
- Rustic Road Recommendations
- Bikeway Plan
- Watersheds
- Environmental Synthesis
- Sensitive Areas Protection
- Roadway Noise Impact Areas
- Proposed Park and Open Space System
- Existing and Proposed Public Facilities
- Historic Resources
- Recommended Sewer and Water Staging for Clarksburg
- Special Protection Areas
- Proposed Road Sections
- Clarksburg: Staging of Development
List of Tables
- Recommended Housing Mix by Geographic Area
- Summary of Maximum End-State Development Potential by Geographic Area
- Summary of TDR Zone Recommendations
- Summary of Zoning Classifications
- Zoning Recommendations by Geographic Area
- Identification of Master Plan Strategies for Improved Transportation in the Study Area
- Highway and Street Classifications in the Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area
- Summary of Characteristics Associated with Rustic and Exceptional Rustic Roads
- Clarksburg Master Plan Rustic Road Recommendations
- Bikeway Classifications
- Summary of Key Protection Strategies for Sub-Watersheds in Clarksburg Master Plan Study Area
- Description of Greenway
- Existing and Proposed Park System in the Clarksburg Study Area
- Public Schools by High School Cluster Serving Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area
- Community Facilities Recommendation
- Master Plan Preservation Strategies for Historic Districts
- Clarksburg Master Plan Study Area Historic Resources
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3
- Stage 4