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Forest Glen / Montgomery Hills Sector Plan

The Montgomery County Planning Department is updating the sector plans for the Forest Glen and Montgomery Hills neighborhoods.  This update will reevaluate land use and transportation strategies as part of long-term visioning process for the area, including an analysis of existing traffic conditions, which will help inform the community and staff as they make recommendations to improve transportation conditions. This update is timely because other agencies, including The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) and The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), are studying opportunities for improved conditions and redevelopment along Georgia Avenue and at the Forest Glen Metro station, respectively.

Previous planning efforts can be reviewed here:

Sector Plan Priorities

  • Balancing the regional traffic demands with the needs of enhancing and protecting the existing residential neighborhoods.
  • Evaluate existing conditions and provide recommendations to guide future land uses along the Georgia Avenue corridor.
  • Develop recommendations that improve the compatibility between the land uses adjacent to and along Georgia Avenue and the Forest Glen Metro Station property.
  • Develop recommendations to improve pedestrian and bicycle accessibility, connectivity and safety within the plan area.
  • Explore opportunities for redevelopment at strategic locations to provide walkable, neighborhood-serving development.

Sectional Map Amendment

Transmittal letter to County Council re: Corrected SMA maps, August 21, 2020

Corrected SMA maps

New! The Maryland Department of Transportation – State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has proposed to construct major road, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements along MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) through the Montgomery Hills area in Silver Spring (the project location is along MD 97 and a portion of 16th Street between Forest Glen Road and Grace Church Road). The project includes construction of new roadway, traffic signal at Flora Lane, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements on MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) between 16th Street and Forest Glen Road (SHA Contract No. MO2245171) in Silver Spring, Maryland. The project elements are the elimination of the center, reversible travel lane, construction of a raised median, I-495 ramp modifications, traffic signal improvements, and pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements. It’s important to note that MDOT SHA does not have funding for construction, but review and public comment on the Mandatory Referral is a critical milestone towards acquiring funding and ultimately constructing the project. Montgomery Planning staff presented comments and recommendations on the mandatory referral to the Montgomery Planning Board on September 23, 2021. The Planning Board voted to approve the Mandatory Referral with comments.

View the MD 97 Montgomery Hills Design Project Mandatory Referral Montgomery Planning Board presentation (September 23, 2021)

View the MD 97 Montgomery Hills Design Project Mandatory Referral staff report

View the video from the September 23, 2021 Planning Board meeting


  • Fall 2017
  • November 2, 2017
    Request to approve the Scope of Work
  • Winter 2018
    Outreach and Planning Board Briefing
  • Summer 2018
    Plan Conceptual Framework Development
  • Fall 2018
    Preliminary Recommendations
  • April 2019
    Working Draft Presentation
  • May 30, 2019
    Public Hearing
  • Summer 2019
    Planning Board Worksessions
  • Fall 2019
    Transmittal to County Council
  • Winter 2019/2020
    Commission Adoption and Sectional Map Amendment
  • March 31, 2020
    Montgomery County Council Approval and Adoption
  • May 20, 2020
    M-NCPPC Full Commission Approval and Adoption


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