Planning Areas
The Planning Department oversees master planning in Montgomery County. These area plans provide zoning, environmental, transportation, open space and historic recommendations. The County is divided into areas that allow the planning teams to focus their master planning and regulatory efforts in an organized and strategic manner. The areas are:
- Downcounty Planning: inside the Capital Beltway
- Midcounty Planning: the area outside of the Beltway
- Upcounty Planning: includes Upcounty and the Agriculture Reserve
- Countywide Planning and Policy: covers all county-wide master planning efforts
- Corridor Planning: planning for communities along growth corridors
The Planning Department also produces many projects related to master planning and regulatory efforts that might be requested from the County Council or from community groups. These projects include:
- Placemaking
- Design Excellence
- Historic Preservation
- Development Review
- Climate Assessment of Zoning Text Amendments and Master Plans
Find a Plan
Find ongoing and approved plans with our Master Plan list.