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Rental Housing Study

Rental Housing Policy

With Council approval, the Montgomery County Planning Department’s Research and Special Projects Division (RSP) is coordinating with the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) to conduct an 18-24 month study of rental housing in the County that will assess how we can best meet the needs of residents across the income spectrum. Our partners include DHCA, private consulting firm RKG Associates, and an Advisory Committee representing diverse perspectives from the public and private sector. The Planning Department is managing the project contract.


The economic trends of Montgomery County and the Metropolitan DC region have exacerbated a rental housing shortage. And providing the appropriate housing stock to meet the demand for affordable housing is a challenge. The purpose of the study is to identify Montgomery County’s rental housing issues and needs, and offer holistic and sustainable approaches to meeting them. A goal of the study is to help guarantee long term affordability of rental housing for a diverse range of households. The study will provide recommendations for increasing the availability of affordable rental housing by determining factors that contribute to increased housing costs, identifying best practices that could be implemented to preserve and add to the affordable rental stock, and recommending potential changes to current policies and programs.

Advisory Committee

The Rental Housing Study’s Advisory Committee composed of representatives from the public, non-profit, and private sector was established to provide input at key intervals of the study. The Committee membership represents County agencies, non-profit housing organizations, private developers, and community stakeholders and will ensure a balanced discourse and study on the provision of rental housing in the County.

Rental Housing Study Final Report

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Staff Contact

Lisa Govoni, Research & Special Projects Housing Planner