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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Native Trees Discount Qualifying Trees

Some trees are native to Montgomery County and most to Maryland. Native tree species in this list are preferred to non-native, invasive tree species. As you select one or more trees for your yard, please choose from this list:

Small trees

cedar, Eastern redJuniperus virginianaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sunTwigs can be used to make juniper tea.
cedar, Northern whiteThuja occidentalisMoist to dry soil; full sun to part shadeThe evergreen nature of this tree provides small mammals with protection from the cold in winter.
cherry, chokePrunus virginianaMoist soil; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThe seasonal flowers help to create an ideal habitat for a variety of butterfly species.
dogwood, floweringCornus floridaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; part shade to full shadeNotable spring blooms make this one of the most popular trees in the program.
fringetree, whiteChionanthus virginicusMoist to dry soil; deer resistant; full sun to full shadeA hallmark of this tree is its fragrant flower clusters with white fringe-like petals.
hawthorn, greenCrataegus viridisWet to moist soil; climate change resilient; part shade to full shadeThe flowers and berries provide food for a variety of birds, butterflies, and small mammals.
hornbeam, AmericanCarpinus carolinianaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; part shade to full shadeIts ridged trunk earned this tree the nickname musclewood. Thrives in a wide variety of conditions.
hornbeam, hopOstrya virginianaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeThis small, slow-growing tree thrives in most soil types.
magnolia, sweetbayMagnolia virginianaWet to moist soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeThis evergreen tree produces flowers throughout the summer.
paw pawAsimina trilobaMoist soil; deer resistant; full sunShade tolerant understory tree producing the largest edible fruit native to the United States
redbud, EasternCercis canadensisMoist to dry soil; deer resistant; part shade to full shadeKnown for its pink springtime flowers that attract a variety of pollinators.
serviceberry, EasternAmelanchier canadensisWet to moist soil; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeProduces showy, fragrant flowers early in the spring.
sourwoodOxydendrum arboreumMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeFlowers in the early summer and attracts a variety of pollinators.

Medium trees

birch, riverBetula nigra Wet to moist soil; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeThe peeling, papery bark is an iconic feature of this tree.
cherry, blackPrunus serotinaMoist soil; deer resistant; full sun; highly poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThe seasonal flowers help to create an ideal habitat for a variety of butterfly species.
elm, slipperyUlmus rubraMoist to dry soil; part shade to full shadeBirds frequently nest in the thick foliage.
gum, blackNyssa sylvaticaWet to dry soil; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeThis long-living tree was designated as Montgomery County’s county tree in 2021.
holly, AmericanIlex opacaMoist soil; full sun to part shade; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsShade and sun tolerant tree that produces berries and flowers provide food to a variety of small mammals and birds.
locust, blackRobinia pseudoacaciaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; full sun to part shade; highly poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis tree is known for transplanting well and thriving in a wide variety of conditions.
maple, redAcer rubrumWet to moist soil; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeThis is one of the first trees to exhibit fall colors, turning a bright, showy red.
oak, blackQuercus velutinaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis grows quickly in otherwise poor soil conditions.
oak, blackjackQuercus marilandicaDry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis is among the smaller species of oak and turns a brilliant golden in the fall.
persimmonDiospyros virginianaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeWith both a male and a female tree, will begin producing fruit at around 4 to 10 years of age.
walnut, butternut or whiteJuglans cinereaMoist soil; full sunThis tree is allelopathic, preventing growth of other plants beneath its canopy.
yellowwoodCladrastis kentukeaMoist to dry soil; climate change resilient; full sunFlowers and fruit attract a variety of pollinators.

Large trees

beech, AmericanFagus grandifoliaMoist soil; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeThe nuts attract a variety of small animals.
cottonwood, EasternPopulus deltoidesWet to moist soil; full sunIn late summer, the seeds take on the appearance of cotton.
cypress, baldTaxodium distichumWet to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sunThis deciduous conifer is native to swampy areas but is drought tolerant.
elm, AmericanUlmus americanaMoist soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sunMany nurseries are currently offering cultivars that are resistant to Dutch elm disease, which wreaked havoc on elm populations starting in the 1930s.
hemlock, EasternTsuga canadensisMoist soil; deer resistant; part shade to full shadeThe evergreen nature of this tree provides small mammals with protection from the cold in winter.
hickory, mockernutCarya tomentosaMoist to dry soil; deer resistant; full sunThis tree is allelopathic, preventing growth of other plants beneath its canopy.
hickory, pignutCarya glabraWet to dry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun to part shadeProduces 1 inch, spherical edible nuts starting around 30 years old.
hickory, shagbarkCarya ovataMoist soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sunNuts of this tree are valued by wildlife and sold commercially for humans.
hickory, swamp or bitternutCarya cordiformis Wet to moist soil; climate change resilient; full sunProduces 1 inch, spherical edible nuts starting around 30 years old.
locust, honeyGleditsia triacanthosMoist soil; deer resistant; full sunThis tree has stout thorns that can grow up to several inches long.
magnolia, SouthernMagnolia grandifloraMoist soil; deer resistant; part shadeThis evergreen tree is known for its large, fragrant flowers.
oak, chestnutQuercus montanaMoist soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun to part shade; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsProduces acorns up to 1.5 inches long that are of high value to birds and other wildlife.
oak, pinQuercus palustrisMoist soil; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThe acorns of this and other oaks are a food source for many birds and other wildlife.
oak, postQuercus stellataMoist soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsLike other oak species, this tree supports the larval stage of a variety of moth species.
oak, redQuercus rubraMoist to dry soil; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis oak is notable for its deep red or burgundy fall color.
oak, scarletQuercus coccineaMoist soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsAs the name suggests, this oak is notable for its brilliant scarlet color in the fall.
oak, shingleQuercus imbricariaWet to dry soil; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThe acorns of this and other oaks are a food source for many birds and other wildlife.
oak, swamp white Quercus bicolorWet soil; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis oak species thrives in swampy areas but is also drought tolerant.
oak, whiteQuercus albaDry soil; climate change resilient; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis tree is noted for its bright red fall color and strong branches.
oak, willowQuercus phellosWet to moist soil; deer resistant; full sun; somewhat poisonous when ingested by humans and petsThis fast-growing oak species has leaves similar in shape to those of a willow.
sweetgumLiquidambar styracifluaWet to moist soil; full sun to part shadeThis tree is known for its vibrant array of fall colors. Spiny fruits fall annually.
sycamore, AmericanPlatanus occidentalisWet to moist soil; climate change resilient; full sun to part shadeThis fast-growing tree has a notable mottled bark that provides winter interest.
walnut, blackJuglans nigraMoist soil; climate change resilient; full sunThis tree is allelopathic, preventing growth of other plants beneath its canopy.