Shady Grove Sector Plan
The 2021 Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment envisions the continued transformation of the Shady Grove Metro Station area from a light industrial and commercial area into a new mixed-use community with new public amenities and open spaces. The prior 2006 Shady Grove Sector Plan established a bold vision to transform the terminal Redline Metro Station area, including the redevelopment of the County Service Park (CSP) and supported by new public open spaces and amenities. Unlike 2006 Sector Plan, a staging plan was not included in the 2021 Plan.
Key recommendations in the 2021 Shady Grove Sector Plan are the following:
- Complete the relocation for all public facilities from the County Service Park (CSP).
- Promote the redevelopment of the Metro station surface parking and single-use commercial properties into mixed-use places.
- Utilize Vision Zero as a framework to address High Injury Network (HIN) roadways, including a portion of Shady Grove Road and Frederick Road (MD 355).
- Accommodate new bikeways that link the plan area to surrounding municipalities.
- Require 15 percent moderately priced dwelling units (MPDUs) as the highest public benefit.
- Create new parks and open spaces for public use and to promote a livable environment.
- Support the community facilities recommended in the 2006 Shady Grove Sector Plan, including a local park and an elementary school at Jeremiah Park.
- Designate the Derwood Store and Post Office to the Master Plan for Historic Preservation.

Shady Grove Sector Plan



Implementation Advisory Committee

Montgomery County Capital Improvements Program

2021 Sector Plan and Appendices
Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment, 2021
Appendix: Demographics, Housing, Environmental Resources and Schools
Appendix: Transportation
The Shady Grove Sector Plan was approved and adopted by the County Council in 2006. Since then, significant progress has been made to implement the Sector Plan’s transformational vision of turning an industrial area at the Shady Grove Metrorail station into a new community. Much of the County Service Park (CSP) has been relocated and redeveloped into a residential community that takes advantage of Metro proximity. In addition, Crabbs Branch Way has been reconstructed and new pedestrian facilities and bikeways have been built.
Since the Shady Grove Sector Plan’s approval twelve years ago, there have been several substantive changes to the County’s land use planning policies and practices, including the adoption of a new Zoning Ordinance in 2014, an update to the County’s Subdivision Staging Policy in 2016, and new data-driven approaches to transportation planning. For these reasons, the time is right to revisit some of the transportation implementation recommendations in the 2006 Shady Grove Sector Plan. The Department will undertake a Minor Master Plan Amendment to reexamine the 2006 Plan’s three, sequential stages of development as well as the requirements, particularly the transportation requirements or triggers, that must be implemented prior to the initiation of each phase of development. The Sector Plan has not proceeded past Stage 1. Review the 2006 Shady Grove Sector Plan for more information on this Plan.
Prior Development Approvals
Shady Grove Station Westside and Jeremiah Park
Prior Annexations
Since 2006, the City of Rockville and Gaithersburg have annexed several properties from the Sector Plan area. The properties are indicated below.
City of Rockville annexations
- The Bainbridge Apartments, 15955 Frederick Road (MD 355)
- Carmax property, 15931 Frederick Road (MD 355)
- Buick dealership, 16200 Frederick Road (MD 355)
City of Gaithersburg annexation
- Carmax Auto Superstore, 16411 Shady Grove Road
Shady Grove Sector Plan Appendix: Demographics, Housing, Environmental Resources and Schools
Shady Grove Appendix: Transportation
Shady Grove Sector Plan Implementation Advisory Committee
In 2006, the Planning Board established the Shady Grove Implementation Advisory Committee. The 2021 Sector Plan Amendment recommended the continuation of the Implementation Advisory Committee. The Committee is responsible for advising the Planning Board on development activities in the Sector Plan area. Residents and property owners comprise the advisory committee.
Implementation Advisory Committee Members
- John Compton, Town of Washington Grove
- Carol Kosary, Shady Grove Civic Alliance
- Joe Parello, Old Derwood
- Jeff Reznick, Park Overlook
- Shobhana Sharma, Shady Grove Station Westside
- Kara Olsen Salazar, Montgomery County Department of General Services
- Andrew Einsmann, Derwood
- Alfred Minichiello, Redland Station
Implementation Committee Meetings
Meetings for the advisory committee are held quarterly, or when necessary. During the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings are held via Microsoft Teams. If you are interested in virtually attending a meeting, please contact Carrie Sanders. Meeting agendas and notes are provided below.
Upcoming meeting
December 11, 2024: agenda
Past meetings
October 29, 2024: agenda | video
April 10, 2024: agenda | video
February 7, 2024: agenda | video
December 6, 2023: agenda | video
October 4, 2023: agenda | video
August 2, 2023: agenda | video
June 7, 2023: agenda | video
April 12, 2023: agenda | video | presentation
February 1, 2023: agenda | video
December 7, 2022: agenda | video
October 5, 2022: agenda | presentation
June 1, 2022: agenda
August 3, 2022: agenda | video| summary meeting notes
Montgomery County Capital Improvements Program
The County’s CIP lists long-range development plans for capital projects from different County agencies. The County Executive must submit a CIP to the Council every other year, under Section 302 of the County’s Charter. Currently, there are a few active or ongoing CIP projects in the plan area.
MCPS Bus Depot and Maintenance Relocation (P360903): This CIP project for a comprehensive feasibility study and planning for the relocation of the Montgomery County Public Schools Bus Depot from the County Service Park on Crabbs Branch Way. No dollars are associated with this CIP.
Shady Grove Sewer Augmentation (P063806): This CIP project is managed by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC)
Bus Rapid Transit: MD 355 (P502005): $24M has been approved for planning and design a BRT route from Clarksburg to Bethesda. Preliminary engineering began in FY20 and will be completed in FY23. Final design for select segments will immediately follow and will be completed in FY24. The area along MD 355 within the Sector Plan and providing access to the Shady Grove Metro Station are included in this overall project.
Crabbs Branch Way Extended to Amity Drive: Currently, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has started to study a road project for Crabbs Branch Way Extended to Amity Drive. This project is included in MCDOT’s Facility Planning Transportation (P509337)
Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment approved by Montgomery County Council>
The new plan promotes new development surrounding the Metro Station and at…Public Hearing Scheduled for the Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment, Including Virtual Meeting Features >
The plan revisits transportation recommendations from the 2006 Shady Grove Sector Plan…Montgomery Planning Will Host a Community Meeting on October 16 for the Minor Master Plan Amendment to the Shady Grove Sector Plan>
Planners will discuss the preliminary recommendations for the sector plan amendment and…Staff Contact
Carrie Sanders