Shady Grove Station, Westside And Jeremiah Park (Former location of Montgomery County Service Park)
The redevelopment of the former Montgomery County Service Park (CSP) is a bold public-private initiative that seeks to establish a new mixed-use community with public amenities from a former light industrial area.
20062006 Shady Grove Sector Plan recommended redevelopment of County Service Park to include an elementary school and a public park
2008Smart Growth Initiative established to relocate County Service Park
2012Planning Board approved Preliminary Plan of Subdivision for Shady Grove Station, Westside and Jeremiah Park, including an elementary school and a public park
2014Shady Grove Station, Westside approved for approximately 1500 residential units, over 40,000 square feet of commercial uses and a public library
County issued Request for Proposals for Jeremiah Park
Jeremiah Park:
- Currently occupied by the Montgomery County Public Schools bus depot.
- A Declaration of No Further Need by the County Council is necessary to relocate the bus depot. The County Council has required interim and long-term solutions for the bus depot relocation.
- Alternative sites have been considered, but an alternative location has not been determined.
Draft Shady Grove Minor Master Plan Amendment Recommends:
- Complete relocation of the County Service Park, including the bus depot.
- Implementation of the approved Jeremiah Park development, including the elementary school and a public park.
- If bus depot is retained in the long-term, implement a portion of the approved Jeremiah Park development, including a one-acre neighborhood green and landscape screening, on the vacant portion of the site
Public Testimony Received:
- Nearly 60 residents submitted public testimony supporting the relocation of the bus depot and the implementation of the approved Jeremiah Park development.

Staff contact
Nkosi Yearwood