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Home / News / Planning Board to hold public hearing for update to the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways on September 12

Planning Board to hold public hearing for update to the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways on September 12

2024 technical update revises street types to conform to the new “complete street” street types in Chapter 49 of the county code

Wheaton, Md. – The Montgomery County Planning Board, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, will hold a public hearing for Montgomery Planning’s 2024 technical update to the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways on September 12, 2024. The update to the plan is required due to the Montgomery County Council’s approval of two bills in 2022 (Bill 24-22 and 34-22) which revised the street types identified in Chapter 49 of the County Code, also known as the “Road Code,” to conform to the county’s Complete Streets Design Guide. Version 1.2 of the Complete Streets Design Guide was reviewed and approved by the Planning Board in May 2024.

While the updated county code provides an interim translation from the previous functional classification system to the new complete streets classification system, adjustments to these default translations are needed for various road segments in the county.

View the Public Hearing draft of the plan update and the technical appendices.

Residents are encouraged to sign up to testify at the Planning Board. Written comments can also be shared with the Planning Board via email by noon on September 10. Written comments must reference the hearing date, the item, and a mailing address.

About the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways

The Master Plan of Highways and Transitways is a comprehensive summary of all significant existing and planned roadway and transitway infrastructure in Montgomery County. It provides a road map for making transportation investments in the county. While the plan is focused on highways and transitways, it includes provisions that impact all modes of transportation, including preserving rights-of-way to accommodate future transportation systems, identifying the number of lanes dedicated to general traffic, and designating the target speeds for individual roadways.

Periodically, the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways requires a countywide technical update to ensure that transportation investments are being evaluated and considered consistent with current county policy.