Note: This speaker series occurred in 2016. Presentations from the events are available below.
The Planning Department is sponsoring a three-part Winter Speaker Series in 2016 that will focus on transportation. Smart Moves: New Ideas about Bikes, Cars and Transit will address new approaches to cycling, transit, trails and other alternatives to cars. The ideas generated from the series will help inform the Department’s current plans and policies, including the Bicycle Master Plan and Subdivision Staging Policy update. The Winter Speakers Series is free and open to the public and planning professionals (a certification maintenance program for the American Institute of Certified Planners is pending).
The presentations, which will include question-and-answer discussions, will be held at the Planning Department headquarters (8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD) from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the following dates:
- Session 1: January 20, 2016 – Nat Bottigheimer: Putting the transition back in transit
- Session 2:
February 16February 23, 2016 – Jennifer Toole: Recent approaches to suburban bicycle planning - Session 3: March 16, 2016 – Jeffrey Tumlin: Smart development in transitional suburban locations
Session 1
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Putting the transition back in transit:
Bringing a market analysis perspective to transit planning using big data
Speaker: Nat Bottigheimer, DC Region Market Lead, Fehr & Peers, Washington, DC
Nat Bottigheimer of DC-based Fehr & Peers is a transportation planner with a background in public policy and real estate economics. Until 2012, Nat was an assistant general manager at Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), where he promoted bike and pedestrian access, sustainability and bus priority investment. He has expertise in planning for rail station access, transit and land use, and is a recognized expert in transit-oriented development.
See full presentation video:
See a quick overview of the presentation
See presentation slides
Session 2
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Recent approaches to suburban bicycle planning
Jennifer Toole, President, Toole Design Group, Silver Spring, MD
Jennifer Toole, president of Toole Design Group in Silver Spring, has a keen understanding of how to design streets that work for all users. She has been involved in numerous projects of national significance for the Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In 2008, Jennifer was honored with the Professional of the Year award from the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.
See full presentation video:
See a recap of the presentation:
Session 3
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Smart development in transitional suburban locations
Jeffrey Tumlin, Principal and Director of Strategy, Nelson/Nygaard, San Francisco, CA
Jeffrey Tumlin of San Francisco-based Nelson/Nygaard has led award-winning plans in cities from Seattle and Vancouver to Moscow and Abu Dhabi. He helps balance all modes of transportation in densely developed places to achieve a community’s goals and best utilize limited resources. He has developed plans throughout the world that accommodate millions of square feet of growth with no net increase in motor vehicle traffic. Jeff is the author of the book Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Healthy, Vibrant and Resilient Communities.
See full presentation video:
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