The current amended version of the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways (MPOHT) Highway and Transitway Recommendations is available on this page in the tiles shown below in Mapbook format and in an alphabetical summary table. On February 7, 2023, a new street classification system came into effect in Montgomery County. Approved by the County Council in 2022, these bills (24-22 and 34-22) begin the transition to a “complete streets” approach to street design. Over time, the County’s Master Plan of Highways and Transitways will be amended to incorporate the new street types.
The Mapbook is a macro-activated pdf file that displays the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways in a grid-based format. Starting with the index map, you can navigate through this mapbook by clicking on one of the fifty-six pages. Sheets 1-40 contain the grid pages within Montgomery County, while Sheets 41-70 contain detailed maps of downtown, town center, and industrial areas.
From a Mapbook page, you then can navigate to each adjacent page by clicking on the triangular pointers or navigate back to the index page by clicking on the greyed out inset map in the lower right. You also can also simply page through the pdf in conventional fashion.
The Mapbook and classification table represent a composite of highway and transitway recommendations from all active, adopted Master Plans. More detail on specific recommendations can be obtained from the primary Master Plan which is identified in the classification table for each recommendation.
The MPOHT Classification Table is the only document currently updated to reflect recent changes from the Fairland and Briggs Chaney Master Plan. Work is ongoing in updating the Mapbook due to the additional of new Downtown, Town Center, and Industrial areas. In the interim, please use the online MPOHT map which is accurate per the amended MPOHT dated 12/12/23. Thanks for your patience.