Ten Mile Creek Area
Limited Amendment – Approved and Adopted – July 2014
In response to a request by the County Council, the Planning Department prepared a Limited Amendment to the Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area, focusing on the Ten Mile Creek Area.
The area includes properties in the Stage 4 analysis area defined in the 1994 Master Plan.
The amendment includes a comprehensive analysis of environmentally sensitive areas and modeling of the Ten Mile Creek watershed to determine ways to balance development potential and the community objectives specified in the 1994 plan with the need to protect water quality.
Ten Mile Creek feeds into the Little Seneca Lake reservoir, which flows to the Potomac River and contributes to the regional water supply.
The plan has been approved by the County Council. View the Approved and Adopted document.
Latest Updates
- View the March 26, 2020 Planning Board staff report for the Proposed Zoning Text Amendment on Clarksburg East-West-Environmental Overlays
- View the Zoning Text Amendment Fact Sheet
- 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan Excerpts
- Description of Modeling Scenarios and Assumptions
- Ten Mile Creek Watershed Environmental Analysis
- Countywide Stream Protection Strategy Score Change Estimate
- Additional Environmental References
- Transportation Modeling
- Department of Parks Analysis and Recommendations
- Carbon Footprint Analysis
- Materials prepared for County Council
View all nine appendices for the approved and adopted draft.
The Limited Amendment, which amends the 1994 Clarksburg Master Plan, is guided by a number of policies (200 KB) established in that plan.
Learn about the scope of work for the Ten Mile Creek Limited Amendment in this excerpt from our Montgomery Plans cable show.
Planners and consultants have assembled an extensive list of resources (183 KB) to prepare the master plan recommendations.
Staff Contact
Clark Larson, AICP