The Montgomery County Planning Department partnered with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation and the Better Block Foundation to temporarily connect the Bethesda Trolley Trail to the Montrose Parkway Trail and activate hubs at key intersections along the way.

Pike District Connector launch event
What We Heard – Pike District Connector Community Questionnaire
Montgomery Planning and the Better Block Foundation asked residents and visitors of the Pike District what they want to see in this neighborhood as part of the Pike District Connector. Below are responses to four key questions from the survey, which informed the location and design of activations along the Pike District Connector. The survey was open from May to early June 2021 and received 191 total responses.
- 75% of respondents live within 5-10 blocks of the proposed Pike District Connector
- More than 70% of respondents visit the Pike District weekly
- Respondents visit the Pike District most frequently to shop, eat at restaurants, and to recreate/exercise
- 48% of respondents use local trails for walking and 35% use them for biking
- Most desired elements for the Pike District Connector include seating, wayfinding, art, and bicycle facilities.
- Respondents favorite parts of the Pike District are trails/parks and shopping/restaurants.