The Glenmont Corridors Opportunity Study looks at the community of Glenmont. The community is at the juncture of two major Thrive Montgomery 2050 identified growth corridors: Randolph Road and Georgia Avenue. This study seeks to identify strategies, services, amenities, and short-term actions necessary to support Thrive Montgomery 2050’s principles of corridor focused growth, complete communities, and 15-minute living in Glenmont.
Key focus areas will include assessing land use and zoning challenges, particularly the redevelopment potential of the Glenmont Shopping Center. It will also emphasize improving mobility by boosting Metro ridership, enhancing pedestrian and bike connections, and addressing safety concerns along the corridors.
Study Goals
The study aims to identify the infrastructure, services, amenities, and short-term actions necessary to support Thrive Montgomery 2050’s principles of corridor focused growth, complete communities, and 15-minute living in the Study Area.
Community focus groups
Montgomery Planning conducted eight focus groups for the Glenmont Corridors Opportunity Study in 2024 to get detailed perspectives from people from a variety of age groups and backgrounds on how they experience the area and what needs to improve. Two of these focus groups gained insights from younger residents during sessions at John F. Kennedy High School and Wheaton High School with nine teenagers and five adult program coordinators.
Key Focus Group Insights:
- Residents feel a strong attachment to their community.
- There are concerns about safety when walking, biking, and using public transportation.
- There’s a desire for higher-quality retail, local schools, and public transportation.
- Residents hope the area, especially around the Glenmont Metro Station, develops its own unique character and distinct neighborhood identity and design.
- Potential development brings opportunities but also challenges.
- Residents seek a better balance of local and chain retail.
View the full report on the focus group findings.
View a PowerPoint presentation on the focus group findings.
Study area boundary

The study’s boundary includes the following overlapping geographies:
- Properties along the Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road corridors.
- The boundary of the 2013 Glenmont Sector Plan.
- Parts of Glenmont that are within a 20-minute, or roughly one-mile, manageable walk to and from the Glenmont Metro Station.
Study process
The results of this study will be shared with the community and the Planning Board but it’s important to note, that unlike a master plan, studies conducted by Montgomery Planning do not change zoning. Montgomery Planning begins a study by collecting information about the people who live and work in the area and information about the area itself—its homes and businesses, its growth patterns and environmental needs, and its economic and physical relationships to the surrounding county. Through community engagement and correspondence with community organizations, local business owners, government entities, and other stakeholders, planners determine what the future of the area may look like and how we can best enable a version that is equitable, viable, and carries forward what people love about their community as-is.
Key concepts of this study
Complete Communities
“Complete Communities are places that include the range of land uses, infrastructure, services, and amenities that allow them to meet a wide range of needs for a variety of people.” Thrive Montgomery 2050 envisions Complete Communities as areas that encompass a variety of land uses, infrastructure, services, and amenities to cater to diverse needs. They are a key concept in the Thrive Montgomery 2050 plan, along with transit-oriented development and mixed-use zoning.
View our video that explains Complete Communities.
Corridor Focused Growth
Thrive Montgomery 2050 makes a new commitment to promoting growth along major transportation corridors for efficient land use in service of Complete Communities. Corridor focused growth aligns the intensity of development along the corridors with the urban, suburban, and rural context of the surrounding area and calibrated to account for existing or planned transit and other transportation infrastructure. Thrive recognizes that certain corridors possess the potential for growth and development throughout their entire length while others are more likely to experience such potential primarily as centers of activity or nodes along the corridor.
Project timeline
Winter 2024Analysis and Audit
Spring 2024Comunity Outreach
Summer 2024Outreach Analysis
Fall/Winter 2024Recommendations Development
Early 2025Final Report