Approved and Adopted July, 1990
View the Shady Grove Study Area Master Plan (1990) [pdf, 11 MB]

The complete document is represented by the index below:
- Details
- Plan Summary
- Plan Challenge
- Transit Concepts
- Plan Highlights
- Land Use and Design Concept
- Zoning Plan
- Transportation and Mobility Plan
- Community Facilities
- Environment
- Implementation
- Plan Definition
- Definition of Study Area
- Major Properties in Study Area
- Planning History of Study Area
- The Amendment Process
- Influential External Factors
- Moderately-Priced Dwelling Units
- Inter-Jurisdictional Issues
- Definition of Study Area
- Development Profile
- Existing and Approved Development
- Land Use and Design Objectives
- A vision of the Future
- Vision Statement
- Plan Concepts
- Land Use and Design Objectives
- Land Use Plan Recommendations
- Overview
- Employment and Housing Characteristic
- Housing Types
- Jobs/Housing Mix
- Retail Recommendations
- Land Use Plan Recommendations by Property
- Zoning Plan
- Zoning Plan Objectives
- Zoning Plan Recommendations
- Zoning Recommendations by Parcel
- Zoning Implementation Strategy
- Transportation and Mobility Plan
- Objectives
- Transit Plan
- Existing Service
- Transit Plan Recommendations
- Exclusive Transitways
- Neighborhood Bus Loops
- Other Transit Recommendations
- Relation of Corridor Cities Transit Easement Study to Plan Process
- Street and highway Plan
- Local Streets and Neighborhood Concept
- High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)
- Intersection Conditions
- Bikeway/Pedestrian System
- Heliport Recommendations
- Acreage Requirements
- Heliport Location Criteria
- Community Facilities
- Parks, Recreation and Open Space
- Public Schools
- Human Services
- Elderly
- Child Day-Care
- Housing for Special Populations
- Other Community Facilities
- Library Services
- Shady Grove Life Sciences Center
- Public Safety
- Environmental Plan
- Stream Valley Protection
- Erosion, Stormwater Management, and Flood Control
- Soil Limitations
- Noise Impacts
- Water Supply and Sewerage
- Implementation
- Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)
- Zoning Text Amendments
- Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
- Subdivision Regulations
- Staging of Development
- Annual Growth Policy
- Transferable Development Rights (TDR)
- Interjurisdictional Cooperation
A. Intersection Analysis
- Possible Grade Separations
B. Transportation Systems Analysis
- Analysis Results
- Average Areawide Level of Service
- Methodology
C. Existing Child Care Centers
D. M-NCPPC Retail Study Findings
E. Capital Projects
F. Glossary of Terms
G. Summary of Zoning Classifications
- Explanation of Euclidean and Floating Zones
H. Interim Bus Transit System
I. Montgomery County Council Resolution No. 11-2131
J. M-NCPPC Resolution to Adopt MCPB No. 90-31, M-NCPPC No. 90-28
List of Figures
1.1 Shady Grove Study Area Location Map
2.1 Major Properties in Study Area
2.2 Corridor Cities Diagrams
3.1 Development Profile as of November 1988
4.1 Transit Systems
4.2 Land Use and Design Concepts
4.3 Conceptual Neighborhood Diagram
4.4 Mix of Retail, Office, Residential and Public Spaces
4.5 Interconnected Street System
4.6 Diversity of Housing Types
4.7 Street Oriented Buildings
4.8 Mix of Active and Passive Open Space Area
4.9 Key Roads Concept
4.10 Key West Avenue
4.11 Redland Road
4.12 Auto and Transit Oriented Development Options
4.13 Roadway Network
4.14 Park and Open Space Systems
4.15 Historic Sites
4.16 Potential Shuttle Bus Route to Link Educational Facilities
4.17 Executive Conference Center
5.1 Land Use Plan
5.2 Comparison of Silver Spring and Bethesda CBD Land Areas to Shady Grove Study Area
5.3 J/H Ratios Based on CGPS “Trend” Scenario
5.4 Major Properties in Study Area
6.1 Zoning at the time of Master Plan Adoption
6.2 Recommended Base Zones at Sectional Map Amendment
6.3 Properties Proposed for Optional Zones
6.4 Zoning and Highway Plan
7.1 Transit Plan
7.2 General Location of Recommended Alignments
7.3 Highway Plan
7.4 Typical Highway Cross Sections
7.5 Potential high Occupancy Vehicle Lane Network
7.6 Pattern of Projected Intersection Congestion
7.7 Bikeway Plan
7.8 Typical Bikeway Cross Section
7.9 Alternative Future Locations for a Heliport
8.1 Parks, Recreation and Open Space
8.2 Existing and Proposed School Sites
9.1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas
9.2 Projected Roadway Noise Contours
10.1 Transferable Development Rights Process
A.1 Schematic Grade Separation Proposal: Sam Eig Highway and Fields Road
A.2 Schematic Grade Separation Proposal: Great Seneca Highway and Key West Avenue
A.3 Schematic Grade Separation Proposal: Shady Grove Road and Darnestown Road
C.1 Child Care and Senior Facilities
D.1 Existing Retail Centers
H.1 Interim Bus Transit System (Illustrative)
List of Tables
2.1 Montgomery County Master Plan Development Process
3.1 Shady Grove Study Area Development Profile 1988
5.1 Summary of Employment and Housing Characteristics in Shady Grove Study Area
5.2 Summary of Housing Types in Shady Grove Study Area
5.3 Jobs/Housing Mix
5.4 Comparison of J/H Ratio of Shady Grove Study Area and Gaithersburg Policy Area
6.1 Zoning Implementation Strategy
7.1 Transportation Facility Function for Local Access and Through Traffic
7.2 Identification of Master Plan Strategies for Improved Transportation in the Study Area
7.3 Highway and Transitway Plan Inventory in Shady Grove Study Area and Vicinity
7.4 Samples of Likely Congested Intersections
7.5 Bikeways in the Study Area Vicinity
8.1 Summary of Parks, Recreation and Open Space Recommendations
8.2 Public Schools by High School Cluster Serving Shady Grove Study Area
B.1 Summary of AM Peak Hour Trips
B.2 Estimated Transit Use for the Shady Grove Study Area
B.3 Correspondence Between Transit Availability and Average Level of Service Standards
B.4 Summary of Results of Areawide Analysis
B.5 Mode Split Assumptions – Shady Grove Study Area Outbound A.M. Peak
B.6 Current Transit Services in the Study Area Vicinity
C.1 Child Care Facilities In and Near the Shady Grove Area
E.1 Capital Projects for the Shady Grove Study Area and Vicinity
G.1 Summary of Zoning Classifications