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Home / Planning / Communities / Rock Spring and White Flint 2 Design Guidelines

Rock Spring and White Flint 2 Design Guidelines

Parking Lots to Places

The Urban Design Guidelines for Rock Spring and White Flint 2 Sector Plans will be used to guide the transformation of the Plan areas by providing recommendations for the design of buildings, streets and public spaces. They build on the recommendations in the two Sector Plans, which were approved and adopted in late 2017 and early 2018. These guidelines aim to deliver high quality buildings and spaces as well as streets with ample pedestrian comfort and multi-modal connectivity.

Urban Design Principles

  • Transformation: Promote the conversion of single use areas into mixed-use places.
  • Connectivity: Integrate mobility alternatives with a focus on pedestrian and bike connections to amenities and destinations.
  • Human-Scale Design: Design buildings, public spaces and streets for pedestrian interest and comfort.
  • Innovative Schools: Encourage the use of new school prototypes that employ adaptive reuse, colocation, and multi-level designs.
  • Vibrant Public Spaces: Complement urban development with easily accessible and high-quality public and private parks and open spaces.
  • Sustainable Design: Apply sustainable design practices to protect natural resources and improve the health of residents in the Plan areas.

Explore the Document

The urban design guidelines are organized into five chapters:

white flint 2 rock spring design guidelines intro


Describes the purpose of the document, and how to use these guidelines.

white flint 2 rock spring design guidelines visionVision

Provides an overall context for the two Plan areas, summarizes the vision set forth by the two Plans and outlines general recommendations that apply to both Plan areas.

rock spring guidelinesGuidelines for Rock Spring

Outlines recommendations for the three districts within the Plan area and provides more detailed guidance for the design of buildings, open spaces and streets within key properties. Street sections are provided for all streets within the Plan area.

white flint guidelinesGuidelines for White Flint 2

Outlines recommendations for the three districts within the plan area and provides more detailed guidance for the design of buildings, open spaces and streets within key properties. Street sections are provided for all streets within the Plan area.

placemakingCommunity Led Placemaking

Contains detailed information and resources for pursuing community led placemaking projects within the two Plan areas and beyond.

Frequently asked questions

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Staff contact

Atul Sharma


  • March 26, 2019
    White Flint 2 Open House
  • March 28, 2019
    Rock Spring Open House
  • May 13, 2019
    Comment Period Closes
  • June 6, 2019
    Planning Board Work Session #1
  • July 18, 2019
    Planning Board Work Session #2