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Aspen Hill Vision Zero Study Outreach

Past Events

June 1, 2019 Graphic Recording Event

Planners were at the Aspen Hill Shopping Center to talk to residents about what they wanted to see change in their community. Email the project manager to provide your comments: (se habla español).

aspen hill graphic recording
aspen hill graphic recording

February 26, 2019–Transportation Safety Issues Community Meeting, Harmony Hills Elementary School

Montgomery Planning staff held a community meeting and invited participants to share issues from their neighborhoods and commutse. Planning staff also shared findings from data collection and analysis.

Download February 26 Community Meeting presentation.

November 3, 2018–Walk Audit

The Montgomery County Planning Department is invited anyone who lives, works or has an interest in safety issues in Aspen Hill to walk the area’s streets on Saturday, November 3 and tell planners about their experiences. During the event, participants rated the walkability of their community, including crossings, intersections, sidewalks, length of time for crossing streets, the comfort of walking experiences and frequency of bus shelters, among other elements.


September 26, 2018–Kickoff Meeting, Aspen Hill Library

The Montgomery County Planning Department is invited anyone who lives, works or has an interest in traffic, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit safety issues in the Aspen Hill area to a kickoff meeting for the Aspen Hill Vision Zero Study. Vision Zero is Montgomery County’s initiative to eliminate severe and fatal collisions on its roads. This first meeting included a discussion about Vision Zero, the role of Montgomery Planning and how the community can stay involved with the study.

Download Aspen Hill Vision Zero Study Kickoff Meeting presentation.