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Home / News / Planning Board to Hold Public Hearing on Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Planning Board to Hold Public Hearing on Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

SILVER SPRING – On Thursday, July 23, the Montgomery County Planning Board will hold a public hearing on a community plan for Takoma/Langley Crossroads. The area, among the county’s most diverse, is centered at the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and University Boulevard in southeast Montgomery County.

The draft sector plan provides a vision for the area and guides its physical development for the next 20 years. Among the planners’ recommendations is creating a convenient, well-functioning transportation system featuring existing bus routes, a proposed bus transit station, and the Purple Line and its two planned stations in the area. Planners aim to improve mobility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists in an interconnected trail system.

Planners also recommend reinforcing and improving the community’s affordable housing stock and strengthening the commercial area in hopes of making the Crossroads a regional destination for multi-cultural shopping and dining.

To ensure that the draft plan is available to as many community members as possible, the Planning Department translated the plan into Spanish, representing the first full translation in Department history. Copies of the Spanish-language sector plan are available online and by request.

Testimony from the public hearing will inform the Planning Board as it considers the draft plan. The board will transmit its version of the plan later this year to the County Council for consideration and eventual adoption. The new plan will serve as a guide for county and town policy-makers as they regulate growth in the Crossroads.

Learn more about the plan or to sign up to speak at the public hearing.

Montgomery County Planning Board

Public hearing on Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 23

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring

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