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Home / News / New Planning Board Date: Draft Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan Recommendations Will Be Presented to the Community on March 19 and the Planning Board on April 25

New Planning Board Date: Draft Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan Recommendations Will Be Presented to the Community on March 19 and the Planning Board on April 25

Planning recommendations aim to enhance safety, connectivity and access along the Georgia Avenue corridor from Spring Street to Dennis Avenue

SILVER SPRING, MD The Montgomery County Planning Department, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, will present the recommendations of the Working Draft of the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan to the community at a meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Planning Department headquarters (8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD).

RSVP for the community meeting on March 19. RSVPs are encouraged, but not required.

The Working Draft recommendations focus on transportation and road improvements, pedestrian and bicycle safety and connectivity, environmental upgrades, affordable housing and land use considerations. The planning area stretches along the Georgia Avenue corridor to encompass the Montgomery Hills commercial area and Forest Glen neighborhood located between 16th Street and North Medical Park Drive.

At the community meeting on March 19, Montgomery Planning staff will present the Working Draft of the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan and its recommendations for:

Balancing needs:

Improving access:

Ensuring safety:

On Thursday, April 25, 2019, staff will present the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Working Draft to the Planning Board. Consult the Planning Board agenda 10 days ahead to view the staff report.

Staff presented the preliminary recommendations at a community meeting on December 4, 2018 and to the Planning Board on December 6, 2018.

All previous meetings, presentations, videos and outreach materials related to the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan are available at

About the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan
The Montgomery County Planning Department launched the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills Sector Plan in 2017 with a study of traffic conditions along the Georgia Avenue corridor from 16th Street in Silver Spring to the Forest Glen Metro Station.

Previous plans for the area, including the 1996 Forest Glen Sector Plan and 2000 Silver Spring North and West Master Plan, need to be updated due to recent changes planned for the corridor. The Maryland State Highway Administration initiated planning for road improvements along Georgia Avenue between 16th Street and the Capital Beltway, and these upgrades will affect properties on both sides of the road.

The Montgomery Planning team has explored ways of improving pedestrian and bicycle access, connectivity and safety within the Forest Glen/Montgomery Hills plan area. Strategies to help implement the county’s Vision Zero policy to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries by 2030 will be included in the plan.

Opportunities for redevelopment at strategic locations to provide walkable, neighborhood-serving development were examined, as well as previous plans and studies of streetscape designs to improve sidewalks, street trees and lighting.

For more information, contact lead planner Melissa Williams at 301-495-4642 or