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Montgomery County Planning Board Briefed on Assessment of Housing Needs in the County

The assessment will help inform the recommendations of the 2020 update to the Subdivision Staging Policy and the Thrive Montgomery 2050 Plan

Silver Spring, MD –Staff from Montgomery County Planning Department  part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, presented the Housing Needs Assessment to the Montgomery County Planning Board during their public meeting on April 2, 2020. The assessment provides the foundation needed to develop comprehensive housing policies that meet the needs of current and future residents. Findings in the assessment will inform current planning projects, such as the 2020 update to the Subdivision Staging Policy and the county’s update to its General Plan (Thrive Montgomery 2050).

Planners kicked off the Housing Needs Assessment project in Winter 2019 and developed it with consultants HR&A Advisors and LSA Planning. The assessment has two components:

  1. An analysis of current demographic, economic and housing market conditions in the county;
  2. A detailed housing demand forecast for the county through 2045.

These are the key findings from the Housing Needs Assessment for Montgomery County:

Demographic, economic and housing market conditions analysis:

Analysis of existing housing supply and demand conditions:

The housing need forecasts produced for Montgomery County account for both demographic trends and future economic growth in Montgomery County and the greater Washington, D.C., region. This methodology more directly accounts for shifts in the structure of the economy as well as commuting patterns throughout the region.

These forecasts reflect the expected 2020 economic recession, as well as age distribution of new workers, distribution of wages of jobs by industry sector, household types, including the number of adults and children and the number of workers per household. It also takes into account assumptions about housing tenure (i.e. owner/renter) and housing type (i.e. single-family/multifamily) by household income and household type.

Key findings from the forecast of future housing needs for Montgomery County:

View more findings on the Housing Needs Assessment website.