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Home / News / Montgomery County Planning Board approves Scope of Work and boundary for Friendship Heights Sector Plan

Montgomery County Planning Board approves Scope of Work and boundary for Friendship Heights Sector Plan

The sector plan builds on the 2024 Urban Design Study and will focus on downtown Friendship Heights

Wheaton, Md. – The Montgomery County Planning Board, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), approved the Friendship Heights Sector Plan Scope of Work at its February 6 meeting. The Scope of Work includes the sector plan’s boundary, which encompasses downtown Friendship Heights and includes the portion of the Brookdale neighborhood east of River Road that is adjacent to the GEICO headquarters property.

Read the Friendship Heights Sector Plan Scope of Work.

The Planning Board added its comments to the Scope of Work and approved the plan boundary following a presentation from staff at the Montgomery County Planning Department, also part of The M-NCPPC.

Map of Sector Plan Boundary

Sector Plan Goals

  • Lead an open, accessible, and transparent engagement process with the Friendship Heights stakeholders.
  • Develop a vision and recommendations for the future of Friendship Heights that respond to stakeholder concerns and support the overall goals of Thrive Montgomery 2050 and other countywide plans.
  • Update the 1998 Friendship Heights CBD (Central Business District) Sector Plan relative to departmental and county priorities, including increasing opportunities for housing near transit, mitigating the effects of climate change, and promoting an equitable approach to planning so that Friendship Heights will be a safe, accessible and welcoming destination for all.  

Community Engagement

In fall 2024, Montgomery Planning staff led two engagement kickoff events that were attended by over 100 participants. The discussions focused on what excited or concerned people about future change in Friendship Heights and what other urban areas could serve as great precedents for the future of the downtown. The sector plan’s website includes recordings of the opening presentation and breakout room sessions of the December 3 kickoff meeting. Staff presented key takeaways from these engagement events to the Planning Board as part of the Scope of Work discussion. Read a summary of those takeaways.

“Through our conversations with the community, it’s clear that many people feel Friendship Heights has unrealized potential,” said project lead Atara Margolies. “We heard lots of exciting ideas at the kickoff events, and we are looking forward to working with the community to craft a new vision for the future of the downtown.”

What’s next?

With the approval of the Scope of Work, the planning team will continue to engage the community and then come back to the Planning Board to present the Existing Conditions report in the spring. That report will outline the present-day conditions of the plan area as it relates to land use, housing, transportation, economy, the environment, parks and public spaces, and other factors.

More about the Friendship Heights Sector Plan

The sector plan builds on the 2024 Friendship Heights Urban Design Study, which identified strengths and challenges of the existing public realm gathered through an urban design analysis and a months-long community engagement process. These takeaways will inform the ongoing sector plan work.

The sector plan will continue to engage community stakeholders in envisioning the next chapter of this unique cross-jurisdictional urban community. This update to the 1998 Sector Plan will assess and address the area’s economy, demographics, land use, housing, parks and open space, transportation, the environment, history, and more. Sign up for Montgomery Planning’s Friendship Heights e-letter to receive regular updates and important information about the sector plan.