The community is invited to attend a virtual presentation for the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan. During the virtual meeting, Montgomery Planning staff will share an overview of the draft recommendations for the plan in advance of presenting the recommendations to the Planning Board at the end of October. This event follows “Silver Spring Today,” the planning team’s presentation of the existing conditions analysis in February, and a series of interactive Visioning Workshops held in the spring. Live closed captioning will be available in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, French, Farsi and Vietnamese. If interested, please register for this event.
Silver Spring mañana: Presentación del borrador del Plan del Centro de Silver Spring y Comunidades Adyacentes a la comunidad
Lunes 25 de octubre
De 7 a 9 p. m.
Se invita a la comunidad a asistir a una presentación virtual para el Plan del Centro de Silver Spring y Comunidades Adyacentes. Durante la reunión virtual, el personal de Planificación de Montgomery compartirá una descripción general de las recomendaciones preliminares para el plan antes de presentar las recomendaciones a la Junta de Planificación a fines de octubre. Este evento se realiza después de “Silver Spring Today”, la presentación del equipo de planificación del análisis de las condiciones existentes en febrero, y una serie de talleres de visión interactivos que se realizan en la primavera. Los subtítulos en vivo estarán disponibles en inglés, español, mandarín, coreano, francés, farsi y vietnamita. Si está interesado, regístrese para este evento.
- After clicking the webinar link, it will take you to a screen where you can either choose to download the MS Teams application or “Watch on the web instead.”
- Choose “Watch on the web” for quick access.
- The next screen reads “Welcome to the live event.” Click “Join anonymously” (right below the SIGN IN button).
- You will be taken to the live event. You will not see any live video until it begins at 7pm.
System/Operating/Browser Requirements
- Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7 and later (32-bit and 64-bit), macOS x 10.10 and later.
- Supported Mobile Operating Systems: Android 4.4 and later, iOS 10 and later.
- Supported Web Browsers: Chrome (last 3 versions), Edge RS2 and later, Firefox (last 3 versions), Internet Explorer 11, Safari.
- Once the event starts the video controls will be available in the lower right corner of the screen.
- To turn on subtitles, click the gear icon, then click on Captions / Subtitles and select your preferred language.