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Damascus Placemaking Kickoff Meeting

Montgomery Planning invites the Damascus community, businesses, and other stakeholders to collaborate on a placemaking initiative for the Damascus Main Street area. The kickoff meeting will be held on Monday, June 3 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria at Damascus High School to launch the Damascus Placemaking Festival Effort. RSVPs are encouraged but not required.

RSVP for the kickoff meeting

During the kickoff event, community members will be asked for ideas and feedback on how to transform a portion of Main Street into a fun and inviting place for residents and visitors.  Feedback heard at this meeting will inform the design and programming for the Damascus Placemaking Festival in October 2024. Montgomery Planning is exploring both temporary and semi-permanent cost-effective interventions to improve the Main Street core of Damascus while making it more attractive to foot traffic and cyclists and help strengthen communities with local businesses.