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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / Wendy Phelps

Wendy Phelps

Wendy Phelps got her first taste of the active transportation of the kool-aid in graduate school, and now makes a living serving it to others as a Transportation Planner at Toole Design Group. Since joining the firm in 2014, she has worked on bicycle and pedestrian master plans and Safe Routes to School projects in multiple states and seen firsthand how much easier it is to promote active transportation and increased physical activity when the physical environment is designed to support them. For the past two years, Wendy has been supporting local health departments in Ohio by providing technical assistance on a variety of topics, including trail planning, shared use agreements, and pop-up demonstration projects. She is proud to see the local health departments leveraging this support to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities and provide education and encouragement programs within their communities. When not at work, Wendy enjoys getting around on foot or by bicycle whenever possible to help balance out her insatiable appetite for good food.