Gus Bauman is counsel at the national environmental law firm Beveridge & Diamond. A native of Memphis, he has lived in Silver Spring since 1974. During 1989-90, as chairman of the MNCPPC/Montgomery County Planning Board, Gus led the writing and successful adoption of the original County/MNCPPC transitway Master Plan for what today has become the Purple Line. In 1994, he was defeated for County Executive by the anti-transitway candidate. Geopolitical reality in Montgomery County thus prompted the need and wisdom of extending the Silver Spring-Bethesda transitway eastward into Prince George’s County and the U. Md. campus, becoming the Purple Line. In 2004-05, Gus served on the Blue Ribbon Metro Funding Panel. He later chaired the WMATA Joint Development Task Force. In 2010-12, Gus chaired the Maryland Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding. Once litigation ensued against the Purple Line and the federal trial court ruled against its environmental study, Gus in 2017 filed an amicus brief supporting the transitway and its study with the appeals court. He plans on boarding the first Purple Line tram in 2022.
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