Agenda will focus on initial ideas to improve connectivity and access within the plan area.
SILVER SPRING, MD – The Montgomery County Planning Department, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, will host its fourth public meeting for the Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Newport Mill Middle School (11311 Newport Mill Road, Kensington, MD). RSVPs are encouraged but not required.
RSVP for the Veirs Mill Community Meeting on October 4.
Residents and interested community members are invited to provide feedback on initial ideas to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and connectivity, increase access to transit and community facilities, and upgrade the streetscapes along Veirs Mill Road.
Planners will share their ideas on how to implement near-term and long-term improvements on Veirs Mill Road. These concepts, which include improved sidewalks, bicycle paths and road crossings, integrate community feedback to date, as well as preliminary recommendations of the Bicycle Master Plan and Montgomery County’s Vision Zero Policy.
Please attend the meeting on October 4 to learn more about the initial planning ideas, Bicycle Master Plan and county’s Vision Zero Policy.
About the Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan:
The Montgomery County Planning Department, under the guidance of the Montgomery County Planning Board and Montgomery County Council, initiated the Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan in January 2017. To develop the plan, staff has been seeking feedback from the community and reviewing current land uses and existing conditions in order to make recommendations for improvements in the area.
The Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan extends approximately four miles, from the City of Rockville to the Wheaton Central Business District and Vicinity Sector Plan boundary. The new corridor plan boundaries roughly correspond to a ¼-mile area around each of the bus rapid transit (BRT) stations identified in the 2013 Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan.
The Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan will:
- Evaluate and provide recommendations to guide future land uses along the Veirs Mill Road corridor from Wheaton to Rockville.
- Develop recommendations to improve the compatibility between the land uses adjacent to Veirs Mill Road and the future BRT corridor.
- Offer recommendations to improve pedestrian and bicycle accessibility, connectivity and safety within the plan area.
- Explore opportunities for redevelopment at strategic locations to provide more walkable, neighborhood-serving development.
- Consider a comprehensive streetscape design and opportunities for placemaking within the corridor.
The Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan will develop long-term land use recommendations to complement the Veirs Mill Road Bus Rapid Transit Study recently completed by the Maryland State Highway Administration in coordination with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation. This transit study evaluated alternatives for rapid bus service along Veirs Mill Road between Wheaton and Rockville, originally recommended as part of the 2013 Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan.
Learn more about the Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan and sign up for the plan e-newsletter to hear about future meetings. Invite planners to meet with your own group by contacting Jessica McVary at