- Approved exterior storm windows, doors
- Chimney flue lining and repairs
- Exterior painting
- Exterior french drains and potentially other drainage issues if affecting structural integrity
- Gutter replacement
- One-time termite infestation treatment
- Repairing architectural trim or ornament
- Repairing roofs
- Replacing roofs in-kind
- Repairing windows
- Repairing and maintaining outbuildings such as barns and garages
- Repointing brick or stone foundations or chimneys (does not apply to walls that have never been pointed, i.e. dry-laid brick and stone walls)
- Restoring a documented feature such as a dormer or porch that was previously altered or removed
- Uncovering or repairing original siding
- Professional services (architects, color consultants, engineers)
Not Eligible
- Additions
- Annual or routine termite control
- Cleaning: windows, chimney, gutters, siding except for painting preparation
- Driveway and sidewalk repairs unless they have historic significance
- Electrical work
- Equipment or tool purchases
- Fence work
- Interior work of any kind
- Installation of new non-historic features
- Interior fireplace repairs or chimney cleaning
- Landscaping, yard work
- New construction
- Permit fees
- Replacing windows or doors except in rare circumstances with HPC approval
- Snow and ice removal
- Tree removal or tree services (unless the tree touches the house or threatens structural integrity)
- Value of owners’ project time
- Work completed without a required HAWP
Criteria for eligible work
Work eligible for the Tax Credit must meet all of the following criteria:
- All proposed work is exterior in nature
- All proposed work was performed by a licensed contractor
- All proposed work must be certified by the Historic Preservation Commission as contributing to the restoration or preservation of sites listed on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation either individually or within an historic district:
- Proposed work requiring a Historic Area Work Permit (HAWP) must have received prior Historic Preservation Commission approval; OR
- Proposed work entailing ordinary maintenance must exceed $1000 in expense and be subsequently certified as being consistent with the purposes of Chapter 24A, the County’s historic preservation ordinance, at the time the HPC reviews the tax credit application.
Historic Preservation Office
Montgomery County Planning Department
2425 Reedie Drive
Floor 13
Wheaton, MD 20902