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Home / News / Fair Housing Advocate to Address Montgomery Planning Board as Part of Expert Speaker Series

Fair Housing Advocate to Address Montgomery Planning Board as Part of Expert Speaker Series

SILVER SPRING, MD – As part of the Montgomery
County Planning Board’s review of housing policy this spring, a nationally
known consultant on urban and suburban sprawl and social equity will speak
about housing issues at approximately 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20 at the end
of the board’s regularly scheduled meeting. The public is welcome.

Rusk, an independent consultant, has worked with more than 120 communities to analyze urban problems such as housing inequities. His
presentation will look at how Montgomery County’s housing policies, considered
among the most advanced in the country, could better meet the challenges that
lie ahead as the county continues to grow and become more diverse.

The event is one in a series of public presentations and work sessions sponsored by the Planning Board to engage the public in a discussion of housing issues. The work sessions will inform the board as it considers updates to the housing section of the General Plan, which provides direction on planning decisions that affect housing. The housing policy update will be the board’s first since 1993.

At a work
session in February, the Planning Board received a staff report on a new and
more comprehensive inventory of the county’s housing stock. Understanding the
county’s existing houses – what’s affordable and where – will help the board
determine how to both preserve and create more moderately priced homes.

A former
mayor of Albuquerque and a New Mexico state legislator who recently relocated
to Washington, D.C., Rusk has written books on urban growth strategies and a
report examining how Baltimore’s suburbs affects the city’s growth patterns and
housing policy. A University of California at Berkeley graduate, Rusk is
affiliated with the Gamaliel Foundation, a national foundation of faith-based coalitions.

Rusk is
the latest to speak as part of the board’s Excellence in Planning Speaker
Series, an effort to broaden perspectives on planning challenges in Montgomery
County. Learn more about the speaker series at

County Planning Board

and housing presentation by guest speaker David Rusk

Thursday, March 20, approximately 7:30 p.m.

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD