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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Home / Sam Oji

Sam Oji

Sam joined Montgomery County Maryland’s Department of Transportation (DOT), ten years ago as a Senior Planning Specialist in the Commuter Services Section. He led a team that initiated and implemented several alternative commute programs in the County. In that capacity, he also represented the County at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s (COG) Commuter Connection, partnering with other jurisdictions to develop policies and programs aimed at addressing traffic congestion and air quality concerns. In 2012, Sam transitioned into a new role as Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s Enhanced Mobility and Senior Services Chief, overseeing that entire section. In this current capacity, he serves as the Department’s senior policy expert on transportation issues and needs, related to seniors, persons with disabilities and low-income residents. His section operates the County’s transportation programs and services for those residents, while providing information, linkage and access to transportation options and resources to increase mobility and independence, while improving the quality of life for this vulnerable population.