Twinbrook Sector Plan
As part of Montgomery County ’s Technology Corridor, the Twinbrook neighborhood presents a great opportunity to create a distinct community featuring a mix of homes, jobs, stores and businesses. The Twinbrook Sector Plan envisions an attractive community that benefits from state-of-the-art design, a pedestrian-friendly environment of sidewalks and trails, and green, sustainable features.

Highlights of the sector plan include:
- Creation of a distinct community that builds on the area’s proximity to the Twinbrook Metro station
- A mix of new jobs, homes, retail outlets, and technology-oriented business integrated in unique ways
- The best urban design, focusing on high-quality public spaces for the community
- An inviting environment for technology, building on existing government agencies and private businesses
- A light industrial zone that supports existing businesses and encourages entrepreneurship
- New urban parks and pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and paths.
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission took final action to approve the plan on January 21, 2009. The action followed the County Council’s review and approval of the plan, which occurred on November 18, 2008 (at which time council members also approved the TMX-2 Zone and the I-4 Amended Zone).
Twinbrook Urban Design Guidelines
The Twinbrook Urban Design Guidelines make specific recommendations for streets, open spaces and buildings within the Sector Plan.
View the basics of why we draft sector plans, what they include, and the major issues addressed in the Twinbrook plan.
A Twinbrook Progress Report
Learn about development in Twinbrook in this January 2013 walking tour excerpted from our Montgomery Plans cable show.
Twinbrook History
Discover the origin of Twinbrook’s name, its founder, and other significant historical milestones.
Public Meetings and Workshops
2009 Public Meetings and Workshops
- M-NCPPC Commissioners took final action on the plan on January 21, 2009.
- The Montgomery County Planning Board approved MCPB Resolution No. 09-02 [PDF]and voted to transmit the Twinbrook Sector Plan to the full Commission. (January 8, 2009).
2008 Public Meetings and Workshops
- Resolution No. 16-812 [PDF] was introduced and approved by the County Council, sitting as District Council. (December 9, 2008)
- The County Council approved the Twinbrook Sector Plan. (November 18, 2008)
- The TMX-2 Zone and the I-4 Amended Zone were approved by Council. (November 18, 2008).
- The County Council voted on a resolution to extend action on the Twinbrook Sector Plan until January 22, 2009. (November 18, 2008)
- Montgomery County Council worksession on the proposed TMX Zone and amended I-4 Zone (Octobor 28, 2008)
- The Montgomery County Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development (PHED) committee worksession #3 (October 6, 2008)
- The Montgomery County Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development (PHED) committee worksession #2 (September 15, 2008)
- The Montgomery County Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development (PHED) committee worksession #1 (June 9, 2008)
- Montgomery County Council Public Hearing (May 20, 2008)
- Planning Board final worksession (January 17, 2008)
2007 Public Meetings and Workshops
- Planning Board Worksession #2 (December 20, 2007)
- Planning Board Worksession #1 [PDF] (December 10, 2007)
- Planning Board hearing on the draft Twinbrook Sector Plan (November 15, 2007)
- Planning Board worksession (school and transportation capacity) (Sept. 10, 2007)
- Planning Board worksession (July 26, 2007)
- Public meeting to review the draft plan (July 9, 2007)
- Staff presents sector plan draft #1 to the Planning Board. (June 21, 2007) View staff presentation.
- Status report [PDF] at the Planning Board Roundtable (March 1, 2007)
2006 Public Meetings and Workshops
- November 20: Meeting Info
2005 Public Meetings and Workshops
- August 29: Meeting Info
2004 Public Meetings and Workshops
- October 6: Meeting Summary [PDF]
- September 28: Meeting Summary [PDF]
- August 11: Meeting Summary [PDF]
- July 12/14: Meeting Summary[PDF]
- English [PDF] (pdf)
- En Espanol [PDF] (pdf)
- In Chinese [PDF] (pdf)
2000 Workshops