Approved and Adopted 1990
For information on the update of the Bethesda CBD Sector Plan, which is within the area covered by the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Master Plan, see Bethesda Downtown Plan.
View the Comprehensive Amendment to the Bethesda/Chevy Chase Master Plan (1990) (pdf, 10 MB)
The complete document is represented by the index below:
- Details
- Master Plan Highlights
- Master Plan Framework
- Master Plan History
- Summary of Trends and Land Use
- Visions and Concepts
- Goals and Objectives
- Development Levels and Location Policies
- Development Levels Objectives
- Employment Development Objectives
- Housing Development Objectives
- Development Levels and Location Policies
- Land Use and Zoning Plan
- Areawide Land Use Guidelines
- Green Corridors Policy
- Special Exceptions
- Large Land Users
- Conservation Areas
- Chevy Chase – Eastern and Southern B-CC
- Areawide Plan
- Chevy Chase Lake Plan
- Mid-Bethesda – Northern B-CC
- Areawide Plan
- Old Georgetown Road Plan
- Pooks Hill Plan
- Palisades – Western B-CC
- Areawide Plan
- Community Retail Centers
- Sector Plan Areas
- Friendship Heights CBD Sector Plan
- Bethesda CBD Sector Plan
- Westbard Sector Plan
- Federal Employees Centers
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Naval Medical Command
- Defense Mapping Agency (DMA)
- Areawide Land Use Guidelines
- Transportation Plan
- Mobility Plan
- Public Transportation
- Park-and-Ride Lots and Ridesharing
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths
- Georgetown Branch
- Highway System Plan
- Highway Improvement Policy
- Planned Highway Projects
- Future Highway Needs
- Street and Highway Plan
- Transportation Analysis
- Areawide Analysis
- Patterns of Localized Congestion
- Mobility Plan
- Environmental Resources Plan
- Natural Features
- Water and Air
- Water: Quantity and Quality
- Noise and Air
- Public Utilities
- Community Facilities and Needs Plan
- Public Facilities
- Public Schools, Libraries, and other Facilities
- Parks and Open Space
- People Needs
- Elderly Population
- Retail Needs
- Public Facilities
- Historic Resources
- Implementation Plan
- Staging Policies
- Zoning and Legislation
- Capital/Operating Programs and Fiscal Considerations
- The FY 90-95 Capital Improvements Program
- Capitol Improvements Recommended, But Not Yet Programmed
- Operating Budget Program Recommendations
- Planning and Supplementary Actions
- Fiscal Considerations
List of Tables
- Large Land Users Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
- Chevy Chase: Eastern B-CC Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
- Chevy Chase Lake Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
- Chevy Chase Lake Land Use and Zoning Recommendations for the Community Retail Center
- Mid-Bethesda Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
- Palisades Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
- Palisades Land Use and Zoning Recommendations for the Community Retail Centers
- Friendship Heights Land Use Outside of CBD Area
- Bethesda Business District Land Use Outside the Sectional Map Amendment Boundaries
- Identification of Master Plan Strategies for Improved Transportation in B-CC.
- State of Maryland highway Needs Inventory
- Maryland and Montgomery County Capital Projects
- Summary of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Master Plan Highway Needs
- Street and Highway Classifications
- Correspondence Between Transit Availability and Average Level of Service Standards
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase Historic Resources
- Current Approved Capital improvement Program FYs 90-95
List of Figures
- General Plan
- Planning Area Map
- Master Plan Boundary
- Projected Population by Age Groups
- Development Location Policies
- Green Corridor Concepts
- Chevy Chase Lake Recommendations
- Chevy Chase Lake Community Retail Center: Parcels
- Old Georgetown Road Recommendations
- GEICO’s Recommended C-O Zoning
- Levels of Service
- Current and Future Transportation Projects
- Street and Highway Plan
- Environmentally Sensitive Areas
- Flooding and Erosion
- Historic Sites
- Population Age Distribution in B-CC Over Time
- Maps of Each Parcel Analyzed (200-Foot Scale)
- Illustrations and Concept Plan Figures
- Transferable Development Rights
- Zoning Chart
- County Council Resolution of Approval (11-1884)
- M-NCPPC Resolution of Adoption (90-13)