Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan
Approved and Adopted July, 1998
See the Sandy Spring Rural Village Plan for the 2015 amendment to the Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan and the Ashton Village Center Sector Plan for the 2021 amendment. These two plans amend the 1998 plan for the rural village centers.
“The Plan shows in detail land use, transportation systems, community resources and zoning, and represents the strong desire of the community to remain rural.” – 1980 Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan
“The community’s commitment to preserve the area’s rural character is just as strong today as it was 15 years ago. This Plan continues the 1980 Plan’s emphasis on maintaining the aesthetic qualities and rural character of Sandy Spring/Ashton.”

View the Sandy Spring/Ashton Master Plan (1998) [pdf, 6 MB]
The complete document is represented by the index below:
- Abstract
- Background
- Table of Contents
- Plan Highlights
- Rural Character
- Transportation
- Environment and Community Resources
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Overview
- Coordination with Neighboring Community Master Plans
- Master Plan Process
- Implementation of the Maryland Planning Act of 1992 and the General Plan for Montgomery County
- Rationale for Chosen Priorities
- Chapter 2: Plan Framework
- The Elements of Rural Character
- Chapter 3: Land Use, Design and Zoning
- Overview
- Rural Legacy Area
- Village Centers
- Sandy Spring Village Center
- Ashton Village Center
- Rural/Open Space Area
- Brooke Road/Chandlee Mill Road Area
- New Hampshire Avenue Area
- Chapter 4: Transportation Plan
- Overview
- Road Network
- Roadway Character and Design Guidelines
- Intersections
- Rustic Roads
- Pedestrian Paths and Bikeway Plans
- Overview
- Chapter 5: Environmental Resources Plan
- Overview
- Watershed Protection
- The Patuxent River Watershed
- The Northwest Branch Watershed
- Forest Protection
- Greenways Plan
- Chapter 6: Community Resources
- Overview
- Park and Recreation Facilities
- Other Public Uses
- Historic Resources
- Chapter 7: Implementation
- Overview
- Zoning
- Rural Neighborhood Cluster Zone
- Sandy Spring/Ashton Rural Village Overlay Zone
- Preserving Rural Open Space
- Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan
- Appendix
- A – Property Ownership Maps
- B – Comparison: End State Development of the 1980 Plan and the 1998 Plan
- C – Key Parcels: Maximum Yield
- Reference Materials
List of Figures
NOTE: 2 fold-out maps accompany this Plan: Land Use and Zoning
- Rural Character
- Transportation
- Environment and CommunityResources
- Regional Location
- Relationship to Eastern Montgomery County
- Wedges and Corridors – Geographic Components
- The Elements ofRural Character
- Existing Zoning
- Analysis Areas
- Special Features Within the Rural Legacy Setting
- Setting Within the Rural Legacy Area
- Two Rural Neighborhoods Along the Rural Legacy Trail
- Land Use Plan
- Village Centers
- Zoning Plan for Village Centers
- Sandy Spring Village Center Concept Sketch
- Land Use Plan Brooke Road Area
- New Hampshire Avenue Area: Rural Character
- Zoning Plan
- Street and Highway Plan
- Streetscape: MD 108 and Norwood/Dr. Bird Road
- Road Access for Northern Neighborhood
- Pedestrian Paths
- Bikeway Plan
- Watersheds
- Stream Valley and Forest Protection
- Park and CommunityFacilities Plan
- Equestrian Trail System
- Historic Resources
- Water and Sewer Service Envelope
- Property Ownership Map (As ofJuly 1998)
- Property Ownership Map – Village Centers (As ofJuly 1998)
List of Tables
- Special Features of the Rural Legacy Area
- Rural Legacy Area Development Guidelines
- Roadway Classifications
- Bikeway Plan
- Historic Resources
- Summary of Key Features of Rural Neighborhood Zone
- Comparison: End State Development of the 1980 Plan and the 1998 Plan
- Key Parcels: Maximum Yield