Kensington-Wheaton Master Plan
A Master Plan for the Communities of Kensington-Wheaton
Approved and Adopted 1989
View the Kensington-Wheaton Communities Master Plan (1989) [pdf, 10 MB]

The complete document is represented by the index below:
- Table of Contents
- Plan Highlights
- Background
- Definition of the Area
- History of the Area
- Planning History of the Area
- The Kensington-Wheaton Master Plan Process
- Summary of Key Indicators
- Demographic Trends
- Housing Highlights
- Land Use Indicators
- Concept Plan
- The General Planning Framework
- Sector Plan Linkage
- Goals and Objectives
- Land Use and Zoning Plan
- Land Use Plan
- Land Use Plan: Critical Parcels and Areas
- Recommendations on the Most Critical Parcels and Areas
- Green Corridors Policy
- Commercial Revitalization
- Transportation and Mobility Plan
- Street and Highway Plan
- Transit Plan
- Non-Motorized Mobility
- Community Facilities Plan
- Park and Recreation Facilities
- Community Swimming Pools
- Adopt-A-Green-Space Program
- Public Schools
- Child Day Care Facilities
- Elderly Housing and Facilities
- Facilities for the Disabled
- Other Public Facilities
- Environmental Plan
- Water Resources
- Erosion, Flood Control, and Stormwater Management
- Water Supply and Sewerage
- Natural Systems
- Noise Impacts
- Historic Preservation Plan
- Historic Preservation Master Plan Amendment Process
- Implementation of the Master Plan for Historic Preservation
- Previously Designated Master Plan Sites
- The Amendment
- Sites Recommended for Removal from the Locational Atlas
- Further Recommended Actions
- Fiscal Considerations
- The Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
- Appendices
- Key Indicators
- Issues and Alternatives
- Land Use Tables
- Urban Design Study
- Conceptual Landscape Planting for Green Corridors
- Multi-Use Trails
- Montgomery County Council Resolution No. 11-1340
- M-NCPPC Resolution to Adopt MCPB No. 89-7, M-NCPPC No. 89-5
- Approved and Adopted 1990 Amendment to the Master Plan for Kensington-Wheaton
List of Illustrations
- Background
1-1 Regional Location
1-2 Sector Plan Areas
1-3 Master Plan Process - Concept Plan
3-1 General Plan Concept
3-2 Capitol View Sector Plan Land Use Plan
3-3 Wheaton Sector Plan Concept Plan
3-4 Wheaton Sector Plan Land Use Plan
3-5 Glenmont Sector Plan, High Land Development Alternative
3-6 Glenmont Sector Plan, Land Use Plan
3-7 Forest Glen Sector Plan, Development Concept
3-8 Forest Glen Sector Plan, Land Use Plan
3-9 Kensington Sector Plan, Concept lan
3-10 Kensington Sector Plan, Land Use Plan - Land Use and Zoning Plan
4-1 Parcels and Areas Reviewed by this Plan
4-2 Critical Parcels and Areas No. 3
4-3 Critical Parcels and Areas Nos. 4, 5 & 6
4-4 Critical Parcels and Areas Nos. 8, 9 &10
4-5 Critical Parcels and Areas Nos. 11 & 12
4-6 Critical Parcels and Areas No. 16
4-7 Critical Parcels and Areas Nos. 28 & 28
4-8 Critical Parcels and Areas No. 30
4-9 Land Use Plan (Northeast Quadrant)
4-10 Land Use Plan (Northwest Quadrant)
4-11 Land Use Plan (Southwest Quadrant)
4-12 Land Use Plan (Southeast Quadrant)
4-13 Zoning Plan (Northwest Quadrant)
4-14 Zoning Plan (Northeast Quadrant)
4-15 Zoning Plan (Southwest Quadrant)
4-16 Zoning Plan (Southeast Quadrant)
4-17 Non-Single-Family Uses Along Major Highways
4-18 Green Corridors: Visual Survey of Existing Conditions
4-19 Georgia Avenue Corridor Conditions - Transportation and Mobility Plan
5-1 Average Annual Weekday Traffic, 1984
5-2 Peak Period Operating Conditions
5-3 Street and Highway Plan, 1989
5-4 Street and Highway Plan
5-5 Recommended Typical Highway Cross Sections
5-6 Park-and-Ride Lots
5-7 Bus Routes, 1989
5-8 Visual Survey of Pedestrian Walkways
5-9 Overview of Multi-Use Trails - Community Facilities Plan
6-1 Existing Parks
6-2 Parks Proposed for Development
6-3 Private Swimming Pools
6-4 Right-of-Way Green Spaces (Northeast Quadrant)
6-5 Right-of-Way Green Spaces (Northwest Quadrant)
6-6 Right-of-Way Green Spaces (Southwest Quadrant)
6-7 Right-of-Way Green Spaces (Southeast Quadrant)
6-8 Former School Sites
6-9 Group Child Day Care Facilities
6-10 Elderly Facilities and Services
6-11 Showcase Area For Disabled Accessibility
6-12 Community Facilities - Environmental Plan
7-1 Water Resources
7-2 Noise Impact and Mitigation on Major Highways - Appendices
A-1 Traffic Growth on Major Highways and at the Boundaries, 1975-1984
A-2 Existing Land Use (Northeast Quadrant)
A-3 Existing Land Use (Northwest Quadrant)
A-4 Existing Land Use (Southwest Quadrant)
A-5 Existing Land Use (Southeast Quadrant)
A-6 Veirs Mill Road and Randolph Road Commercial Area: Existing Conditions
A-7 Veirs Mill Road and Randolph Road Commercial Area: Conceptual Design
A-8 Veirs Mill Village Center: Parking and Services - Drive: Before
Drive: After
A-10 Conceptual Landscape Planting for Green Corridors
A-11 Multi-Use Trails and Connecting Routes
A-12 Multi-Use Trails and Connecting Routes
A-13 Multi-Use Trails and Connecting Routes
A-14 Multi-Use Trails and Connecting Routes
A-15 Typical Bikeway Cross Sections
A-16 Critical Parcels and Areas #19
List of Tables and Graphs
- Key Indicators
2-1 Projected Age Distribution, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1985-2010
2-2 Existing Land Use Distribution - Land Use and Zoning Plan
4-1 Parcels and Areas With Recommended Changes - Transportation and Mobility Plan
5-1 Programmed or Projected Transportation Projects in Kensington-Wheaton Area, FY’90
5-2 Street and Highway Classifications
5-3 Principal Mode of Transportation to Work, 1984 - Community Facilities Plan
6-1 Existing Public Parkland and Park Facilities in the Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area
6-2 Proposed Parks
6-3 Public Schools by High School Cluster
6-4 Closed Schools – Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area
6-5 Proposals Currently Under Study to Facilitate Park Use by the Disabled - Historic Preservation Plan
8-1 Kensington-Wheaton Historic Sites - Implementation
9-1 Current Capital Improvements Program (FY89)
9-2 Proposed Capital Improvements Program - Appendices
A-1 Total Population, 1985-2010
A-2 Age Distribution, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1970-1980
A-3 Projected Age Distribution, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1985-2010
A-4 Forecast Households, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1985-2010
A-5 Median Income, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1976 and 1983
A-6 Racial Characteristics, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1970-1980
A-7 Year Structure Built, Percent Distribution
A-8 Housing Production, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1982-1986
A-9 Total Housing Sales, Kensington-Wheaton Planning Area, 1982-1985
A-10 Median Sales Price of New and Existing Single-Family Housing, Kensington-WheatonPlanning Area, 1982-1985
A-11 Parcels and Areas Reviewed and Confirmed by this Plan
A-12 Land Use Distribution
A-13 Multi-Use Trails