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Planners to Debut Draft Map of Environmentally Important Areas

SILVER SPRING, MD – Environmental planning staff creating a map depicting a network of green spaces throughout Montgomery County invite the public to critique their draft on January 13.

Called green infrastructure, the areas include waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats and other natural spaces that support native species and contribute to clean air, clean water and a healthy, sustainable quality of life.

The draft Green Infrastructure Plan, which planners will present to the Planning Board later this winter, will identify a network of sensitive and/or important environmental features.The main idea is to connect those areas into a comprehensive system because they function better as a whole than as individual parts, planners say.

The map of interconnected green areas will guide the board and other county decision-makers when they craft master plans, review development applications and plan for man-made infrastructure such as roads, storm drains, sewers and utilities. The plan also will inform the board as it considers parkland acquisition and ways to improve its trail network.

At the January 13 meeting, planners will unveil their draft map of green areas to the public. Once the Planning Board has approved its version of the Green Infrastructure Plan, it will go as a draft functional master plan to the County Council for review.

Montgomery County environmental planners

Review of Green Infrastructure map

2-4 p.m. January 13

Park and Planning Headquarters
8787 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring