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Apparently, Park and Planning is keeping pace with Google, PepsiCo, and Best Buy. As this New York Times article recounts, corporate vegetable gardens are the thing. Whether they are a way to break down corporate hierarchies, provide an employee benefit, or build green credibility, velvety sod is giving way to staked tomatoes.

We can’t say thank you enough to American Plant Food for their generous gift certificate.

Our garden is also linked to another news story. Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity task force released its report yesterday and among its recommendations: access to healthy affordable food. If the sun cooperates, our vegetables will be right outside our front door, just a few steps past the vending machine.

We planted yesterday and will post pictures soon.

2 Responses to “An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

    Mary Dolan

    We planted the garden yesterday (Tuesday) between the raindrops. Many staff contributed plants, seeds and even earthworms! We are really excited to see how everything grows given that part of the planter is shaded more than we would like. Thanks to Tina Schneider for organizing and designing the garden and to the many staff who have donated plant and seeds, planted and will be tending the garden on their own time.

    Mary Dolan

    Many thanks to those staff who donated their own time, plants, seeds, even earthworms!