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What: 2011 NCPC Speaker Series
Contemporary Design, Historic City:
The Balancing Act Between Innovation & Preservation
When: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Where: Koubek Auditorium – Crough Center for Architectural Studies
School of Architecture and Planning
Catholic University of America


As a city filled with historic structures and landmarks, architectural preservation in the nation’s capital receives a lot of attention. Yet, as Washington continues to evolve, there exists a growing need for new development and a desire for more modern and inventive architecture. Making sure the two can successfully co-exist is the responsibility of the agencies involved in the planning and design review process. Join a panel of distinguished design and planning experts as they explore how Washington D.C. can welcome new innovative design into its urban fabric and preserve its architectural heritage.

This event is being held in partnership with Catholic University School of Architecture and Planning and AIA DC. Attendance is free and open to the public. RSVP is encouraged.

One Response to “A Learning Opportunity from NCPC: Contemporary Design, Historic City”


    “there exists a growing need for new development and a desire for more modern and inventive architecture”

    This flies in the face of what a majority of homebuyers consistently choose for their own home purchase. Not sure why it’s so hard to look at the empirical data and study it objectively. Maybe it’s the romance of the modernist and the sci-fi world we all dream of as kids, but when life happens, the home becomes more of a refuge than where we’d like to experiment, or play out our theories of the future.