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Germantown Master Plan

Approved and Adopted July 1989

Germantown Master PlanClick the orange section to learn more about the Germantown 2009 Employment Area.
Germantown Employment Area 2009Germantown (2009)

Two plans guide the future of Germantown — this master plan and the 2009 Germantown Employment Area Sector Plan (see map). Please refer to the Sector Plan for the approximately 2,400-acre area around I-270 and the future Corridor Cities Transit Stations, and to this master plan for the balance of Germantown.

Plan Highlights
Planning Framework
Townscape Design

Land Use and Zoning
Germantown - A New Community
Land Use and Zoning Recommendations

Environmental Concerns
Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Water Supply and Sewerage Policies
Noise Concerns
Natural Features

Character of Roadways
Transportation Analysis
Recommendations of the Master Plan

Community Facilities
Public Schools
Public Parks and Recreation
Other Community Facilities

Human Services and Land Use Issues
Demographic Characteristics
Child Day-care
Housing for Special Populations

Historic Resources
Germantown's Historic Resources
20th Century Historic Sites

Master Plan
Sectional Map Amendment
Zoning Text Amendments
Capital Improvements Program
Water Supply and Sewerage System Plan
Subdivision Regulations
Annual Growth Policy
Transfer of Development Rights
Incentives for Historic Preservation

Fiscal Considerations
The Capital Improvements Program
Current Fiscal Situation
Possible Future Fiscal Impacts

List of Appendices

  1. Glossary of Terms
  2. Summary of Zoning Classifications
  3. Tables
  4. County Council Resolution of Approval (11-1498)
  5. M-NCPPC Resolution of Adoption (89-11)
  6. County Council Resolution of Approval (11-2283)
  7. M-NCPPC Resolution of Adoption (No. 90-43)

Technical Appendices

  1. Master Plan Amendments: 1974-1986
  2. Retail Trends and Implications for Germantown
  3. Explanation of Water Class Uses
  4. Performance Criteria for Development in Analysis Areas K1-2 and NE-1
  5. Summary of Environmental Regulations and Guidelines for Development Proposals
  6. Using Transportation Models for the Analysis of the Germantown Master Plan
  7. Initial Modeling Efforts
  8. Future Travel Characteristics in Germantown
  9. Roadway Descriptions and Changes of Alignment
  10. School Needs in Germantown
  11. Park Facilities
  12. Historic Resources
  13. Capital Projects
  14. Executive Summary of "Market Analysis - Gemantown Town Center"
  15. Roadside Character

List of Tables

  1. Mix of Housing Types in Germantown
  2. End-State Relationship of Employment Opportunities to Employed Residents
  3. Town Center: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  4. Employment Corridor: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  5. Churchill Village: Residential Development
  6. Churchill Village: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  7. Gunners Lake Village: Residential Development
  8. Gunners Lake Village: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  9. Clopper Village: Residential Development
  10. Clopper Village: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  11. Kingsview Village: Residential Development
  12. Kingsview Village: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  13. Middlebrook Village: Residentail Development
  14. Middlebrook Village: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  15. Neelsville Village: Residential Development
  16. Neelsville Village: Land Use and Zoning Recommendations
  17. Roadway Classifications
  18. Correspondence Between Transit Availability and Average Level of Service Standards
  19. Summary of Roadway Assumptions for Recommended Land Use/Transportation Scenarios
  20. End-State Building Area Limitations
  21. Public Schools by High School Clusters
  22. Aging of Germantown's Populations
  23. Germantown's Historic Resources
  24. Acres by Zone: Comparison of 1974 Master Plan and This Amendment
  25. Analysis Areas Recommended for Rezoning by Sectional Map Amendment

3-1 Theoretical Maximum Dwelling Units/Population in Germantown
3-2 Comparison of 1974 Master Plan and Comprehensive Amendment: Acreage
3-3 Proposed Land Uses by Village: Acreage
3-4 Comparison of 1974 Master Plan and Comprehensive Amendment: Residential Land Use
3-5 Population, Local Parkland, and Public Schools by Village
G-1 Summary of Selected Results of Areawide Transportation Analysis
H-1 A Summary of the Trip Distribution Results for Final Draft Alternative
J-1 Summary of Public School Needs
J-2 School Child Yields from Movers
J-3 School Child Yields from Movers and Non-Movers
J-4 Demographic Model: Projections of Dwelling Units and School-Aged Children
J-5 Capacities of Existing and Programmed Schools
J-6 Relative Build-Out of Dwelling Units and Elementary School Capacity
N-1 Germantown Town Center Concept Land Use Mix

List of Figures

  1. Location Map
  2. Planning Area Map
  3. Community Concept Plan
  4. Town Center: Concept Diagram
  5. Employment Corridor: Concept Diagram
  6. Churchill Village: Concept Diagram
  7. Gunners Lake Village: Concept Diagram
  8. Clopper Village: Concept Diagram
  9. Kingsview Village: Concept Diagram
  10. Middlebrook Village: Concept Diagram
  11. Neelsville Village: Concept Diagram
  12. Roadway System
  13. Signage
  14. Work Locations of Germantown's Employed Residents
  15. Analysis Areas
  16. Town Center: Analysis Area
  17. Employment Corridor: Analysis Area
  18. Churchill Village: Analysis Area
  19. Gunner Lake Village: Analysis Area
  20. Clopper Village: Analysis Area
  21. Kingsview Village: Analysis Area
  22. Middlebrook Village: Analysis Area
  23. Neelsville Village: Analysis Area
  24. Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Wooded Areas
  25. Existing and Proposed Conservation Easements, Areas, and Nontidal Wetlands
  26. Existing, Proposed and Potential Regional Stormwater Management (SWM) Facilities
  27. Watershed Areas, Floodplains and Danger Reach
  28. Existing and Proposed Major Sewer and Water Facilities
  29. Relative Roadway Noise Contours
  30. Roadway Cross Sections
  31. Intersection Rights-of-Way
  32. Intersection Level of Service
  33. Employment Corridor: Anticipated Development
  34. Existing and Proposed Roadway Systems
  35. Proposed Realignment of Midcounty Highway (M-83)
  36. Amendments to the Clarksburg Master Plan
  37. Existing and Proposed Transit Facilities
  38. Proposed Corridor Cities Transit Easement
  39. Existing and Proposed Bikeways, Major Pedestrian Connections, and Equestrian Trails
  40. Existing and Proposed Community Facilities
  41. Existing and Proposed Public Parks
  42. Historic Resources
  43. Areas Recommended for Rezoning by Sectional Map Amendment
  44. Existing Water Service Categories
  45. Existing Sewer Service Categories
  46. Transferable Development Rights Process
  • B-1: 1974 Master Plan - Village Center Locations
  • B-2: 1989 Master Plan - Village Center Locations
  • F-1: Analysis Context in Using Transportation Model
  • F-2: Schematic Structure of Transportation Model
  • F-3: Policy Areas and Traffic Zones
  • F-4: Traffic Analysis Subzones
  • F-5: Roadway Systems
  • F-6: Schematic Illustration of a Four Step Transportation Model
  • F-7: Relation of the EMME/2 Model to the Analysis Context
  • G-1: Anticipated AM Peak Hour Patterns of Movement
  • H-1: Trip Generation Results
  • H-2: Projected Trip Distribution Patterns
  • H-3: Screenline Volumes
  • K-1: Existing and Proposed Public Parks
  • L-1:  Environmental Setting or Neelsville Presbyterian Church (Site #19/5)
  • L-2:  Environmental Setting for Waring Crawford Farm (Site #19/11)
  • L-3:  Germantown Historic District and Adjacent Historic Resources
  • M-1: Capital Projects
  • O-1:  Setbacks from I-270
  • O-2:  Residential Setbacks from Roadways

NOTE: Please be aware that the page numbering shown on each page does not apply to this media. The numbers shown at the bottom of each page do not correspond to the printed version of the Master Plan. The complete document is represented by the index below